One week post-mastectomy

I’m now one week (8 days) post-mastectomy and had my drain removed on Monday (day 6). I’ve been told that I had prophylactic antibiotics during the op, and I also had ‘machine’ leg manipulation during and post-surgery.

I ended up in A&E for 6 hours on a trolley Fri night / Sat morning, unable to self-adjust as my drain was in and I’ve got Ltd mobility due to another health issue (PHPT). I asked for a couple of blankets but as the night wore on these became scrunched up under my upper back, kind of where the kidneys are, and my upper back became very painful. Anyway, it seemed my calcium had gone up a bit due to my PHPT, so they put me on a saline drip which brought my pulse down from 135-under 100.

I’m now 2 days post-drain removal but still have my dressings on (and am starting to pong somewhat under my left arm!!). I was told to lie flat and lie down a couple of times a day, and to take it easy on Monday, all of which I did. But my upper back, kidney area, was very painful after lying on it with only one pillow last night and today, and slightly painful Monday. It’s fine when I’m sat up or moving around and  no urine issues. I’ve also got a growing soft swelling that has shifted from the front, above my wound,  more to the armpit. The BC nurse did say that my body has to learn to find other routes for the drainage.

How long did you find it took for your drainage to figure out an alternative route? What can I do to help it? Did anyone else have the painful upper back on the same side as mastectomy - I’m wondering if that’s possibly down to the drainage issue or bruising or something from the 6 hours on a trolley.

I get my path results Friday and think my dressings come off then.

Hello YorkshireJ,  I’m 11 days post mastectomy.  I was absolutely fine until 8 days after when I developed a large haematoma in the breast cavity.  I still had the drain in, which helped a bit, but that became blocked, the blood then seeped out of the drain wound.  I ended up in an ambulance in hospital.  Everything settled overnight and I was allowed to go home the next evening.  Lots of pain and swelling, but it will eventually disperse around my body, or so I’m told.

I guess you have spoken to the bcn about the pain in your back, we often talk ourselves out of things and sometimes we overthink, so it’s always best to speak to the experts, I’m sure they have been through this with many patients.

Update us on here as to how you have got on.  This is such a great forum for discussing issues when you don’t know what to do.

Big hugs