One year on and getting scared

GOOD NEWS!!! I had my mammograms just over a week ago (1 year check up) and I had a letter today to say that it was “ALL CLEAR” no cancer detected at all. I am so HAPPY!!! Now for a celebration, going out to get that all important bottle of wine…lots of love chris xxxxxxxxx

Thank you for that late reply about the hats, Chrissy. I had decided that I had gone totally crazy and that you were being too polite to say so!
Hope you are still floating a foot above the ground.

Hi Chrissy
Congrats on results, I am really pleased for you, that will be a huge relief & weight off your shoulder.
Enjoy your wine , I will raise a glass for you!,
I hope I can report the same news, still havent got mine yet - keep running to the door each time postman comes, but the letter I want most is not there. Still makes you scared opening it though lol…
Have a lovely evening.
Love Alis

Dear whiterabbit

I am sure things will be fine for you. The waiting is horrible and when I heard the plop of the letter on the matter my heart nearly jumped out of my chest! I had mammo on 1st March and got letter on the 10th so that’s not long to wait. I am over the moon at the moment, but I also think of others who are having treatment or waiting for results and I pray for them as this is a hard time for them. Good luck and I will be waiting for your post on here to say things are OK and then I can raise a glass for you too. Lots of love and hugs chris xx

hi chrissy that is great news that you got letter that it is all clear. I wish you happy and prosperous life ahead.