One year on and still standing

Hi all
I just want to share my story with all of you. I haven’t posted for a while but felt one year on from diagnosis seemed a timely opportunity.
I was daignosed early last June (07), mastectomy, immediate recon (TRAM) 6 TAC chemo, 30 rads and now 6 into Herceptin. (Phew)
Tomorrow last year I was due to go on a Med Cruise with my hubby and boys (now 12 and 9) but because of my surgery we couldn’t go and to cut a long story short lost the holiday and got no compensation.
Tomorrow I go to Spain for a few days . I feel well most days and really feel so good compared to this time last year. I had 23 lymph glands involved so had myself dead and buried,
Now I know it is very early days, and every ache is a worry and at 39 I have q. bad arthritis from chemo but I am here!
So to all you folks just starting out on this awful journey - hang in there - you will laugh again.
I know the future is very uncertain but I am trying to make the most of things.
This time last year I could barely move,

Good Luck to all


thank you muddy! and well done!

I have just read your thread with tears in my eyes. Im 41 ,hubby n kids (6 and 13) had masc (mar08),immediate recon and just had my 2nd of 6 TAC and will have a years Herceptin.It’s so easy to “write yourself off” but your positivity helps.

I hope you and your family enjoy yourselves and well done!!!

Jennie xxxx

Thanks Muddy
Had my mastectomy Feb. this year. Had 4th chemo 2 weeks ago. Dreading 5th as was so ill. Got very achy hips and fed up with it all.Then read your message and feel loads better that perhaps it does get bit better eventally.

Lyn x

Hi everyone

I am also 1 year on (hooray) had mastectomy june 07, auxillary clearance at same time, implant for two weeks before my body rejected it and developed septicaemia but hey i am also still here. I remember at diagnosis May 07 i didn’t think i would be here for Christmas let alone a whole year on! My eldest son though told me that not only would i be here for Christmas but for a very long time indeed, so confident was he that he booked a family holiday for one year ahead for the whole family and we go out 6 of us on Saturday!

It is terryfying when you are diagnosed but there are many wonderful ladies on this site who are around for many many years, the first year has been hard, i also had a dodgy ovary removed in March which had complications but you just look to the future cos that is where i am going to spend the rest of my life.

Take care

Hi Muddy, SuzzanneLyn and Jenni

So great to read you stories - for 2 of you 1 year on!!

Well, like you I was diagnosed on May - but 08 not 07 - I have has mastectomy and full node removal. None of the nodes were infected (after they had foung the 2 sentinel nodes were during WLE).

Waiting to see the onc - we have a holiday booked for 19th July for 2 weeks - I am hoping that we can make it - even if we have to knock it down to 1 week - that will be great.

It’s rwally comforting to know that people like you (and me) are and will get throgh this terrible journey.

Best of luck to you all - it’s messages like yours that give an awful lot of confidence to the ‘new ones’.

Have a fab holiday both to you Muddy and Suzzanne.

Take care all



hi girlies
Nice to hear positivity amongst you all.I agree that acceptance,positivity and determination makes the difference…at 41, I was diagnosed with Right BC on Nov05,had mastectomy and right lymp node clearance in dec05 then chemo for jan to july06 followed by Radiotherapy 25sessions in Aug-Sep06…then recovery…I even managed to go back to work and regain mysold self but better perspective in life…calmer even…It felt very good that I surpassed the treatments and managed to be normal again.

Unfortunately,now at 43,i got another battle to face…2 years on…I had another surrise on my left side/lymph nodes…in 21feb08, dx and had all tests done ,bone scan.mri ,ct scan then hd to have lumpectomy anf lympg node clearnace…they took 31nods and19 had cancer cells…
Well,chemo started 19may and still progressing…BUT I feel the inner strength & postive mental attitude will help me get through this again…i just pray my little body cells dont give up on me as my immunity has gone so low…im on my secong infection …antibiotics this week…
We just keep on going girls


Have a fabulous holiday those of you who are going away, always great to hear of friends from here who are getting back to really being able to enjoy their lives.
Veeluz - I am so very sorry to read that you are having to face this again. Sounds as though it’s a bit tough going for you at the moment, but you’ve got through this before, and you’ll do it again and I hope that before too very long it is you that we read about going on holiday. The very best of luck to you all. Sarah x

Hi Muddy,
1 year on for me also, Wle with 3 further excisions 6 fec and 15 rads. Dx 31 May 07. I celebrated by going on holiday and last week we went to a show in London without the Kids !!!. It was really a joint birthday treat because I am 40 today too ( boo hoo) … We got there and so will all of you just starting your journey. Hope you have a fab holiday ( you deserve it ).

Hello Veeluz, so sorry you have had a set back but you sound like a tough cookie and you can do it. Lots of love to you and bigs Hugssssssssssss.
Love Andrea x

Hi Veeluz,
So sorry to hear that you are going through this a second time, I agree with Andrea you sound a tough cookie and can do this again but i just so wish you did not have to! My thoughts and prayers are with you, i hope you get over the infection soon as well and soon feel more yourself. Once again all the lovely ladies on this site will support you and please keep us posted how you are doing.

Much love to you