One year on

Last new year’s eve I was told I had numerous tumours the length of my spine. I was in agony physically & mentally.
Today I marked the anniversary with a swim.
it’s been a pretty tough 12 months with moments of joy & happiness.
Here’s to another year of living.

Well Done Ingrid , you are an inspiration to the other ladies . Thanks for sharing that with us all. Keep swimming into the New Year . It is bright and sunny this morning in Derbyshire so a good start !! Take care everyone. Love Tracy xxx

well done ingrid and i am pleased i found your news as it gives all us with secondaries hope of living longer than we have been given
ENJOY your swimming i started swimming again a month ago though was nervous of doing the lengths at first incase my back went

Ingrid, that sounds so good to hear for me. I am in severe physical pain with spine mets at the moment and am about to have radiotherapy tomorrow afternoon so to hear I could be like you soon is amazing and I am so hopeful now. thanks for posting and I hope you continue to stay well for many years to come xx