Hi All
Not been on here for a while but thought I’d post something as it’s one year this week since surgery. I had wondered how I’d be feeling on the anniversary and must say I’m feeling pretty low. Has anyone else felt like this? I’m waiting for results of my first mammo(fortnight ago) and also now have another virus (had one 8 weeks ago).
Been relatively fit until the last 10 days and now I feel as though I’ve hit a brick wall - physically and mentally. Been to GP this morning - been signed off until Monday and been told to rest. Doc reckons it’s down to bad luck I’ve got another virus but I’m feeling so tired - very similar to the tiredness I had after radio.
I hope I can buck up once I get this week over with - not sure how much is physical or psychological, but it’s certainly knocked me sideways.
Take care everyone
Claire x
Hi Valkyrie
It will be a year on the 24th April since my first surgery… what was originally diagnosed as DCIS turned out to be invasive cancer, Grade 3, with lymph node involvement. Have done the chemo, rads and am due number 10 herceptin this week because I am also HER2 positive. My reconstruction which I had done because they didn’t think originally the cancer was invasive…has been destroyed with the radiotherapy…picture an orange underneath your armpit. I was diagnosed with reactive depression last May and although on medication one day seems to blend into another…My first recall to see my surgeon since surgery has been postponed until July…Have been tested for the BRCA1 and 2 genes for which I am still awaiting results (mother died from Ovarian Cancer)…know how you feel about hitting a brick wall… 2 steps forward and one step back.
Hu Claire and pollysue.
it was a year on 3rd jan 09 for me but i found my first birthday since dx, and date of dx the worst. I think its the first anniversaries of a lot of things makes you realise what you’ve been though and what you;ve missed out on. You not alone in feeling so low and down. I can’t say when it gets better as i;m not much further down the line from you ladies but going back to work has helped me. I’m also having councilling which helps and i don;t know if this is something you are having or can ask for.
I know its difficult but we have no choice but to swim can’t sink won;t achieve anything.
Try and keep your chins up and possibly set yourself small goals to help moving forward. I have done that and it has helped me giving me something to look forward to.
take care