ONETIT hi onetit hope your feeling better , i asked if you could let me know the name of your consulant and if you know th e 6 hospital that are suplying tykerb, i would be greatful , hope your feeling better soon

message for Sophie Hi Sophie

Sorry have not been in touch…If your Onc. gets in touch with Essex County Hospital Onc Dep…he will be able to get the information for you …as they do not give this info to us…sorry can’t be of more help. Good luck xx xx xxx Onetit

hi onetit i am talking to becky trial nurse, she is ringing me back on friday , i do hope i get on it .
how are you doing ? are you feeling any better

Doing well Hi Sophie
I have just fineshed my first four weeks on Tykerb/Xaloda trial and I am feeling pretty good a few side effects …dry hands an feet, sickness a few stomach cramps… and tiredness. It is to early to say whether it is doing any good yet… but I am hopeful… Let me know how you got on. Take care Onetit

hi onetit sorry not been in touch , i still am having problems with internet ! had to cancel it until it is sorted out. i am at my mums today so thought i would have a look , hope the treatment does work , i am hoping to hear from the hospital in the next week or so , keep praying for that telephone call .
Please let me no how you are doing keep my fingers crossed for you

for Sophie Hi Sophie
Hope it will not be too long before you hear some good news. I am off to have a check up on Tuesday and I will ask about scans and how often I will have them.
I have found someone else who is on the same trial as me ( mitsou) we have been swopping side effect stories.
I have all my fingers crossed for you and you are in my thoughts.
Hang on in there Sophie…take care…keepwell…x Onetit

hi onetit Hope your result are all good news ! i spoke to becky on tuesday , she said she will call me friday with any news , keeping everything cross. let me how you go on .
Still not on the net, i am just in the throws of changing to another broad band user, so here’s hoping !
speak soon good luck , will also look out for ( Mitsou) thanks

hospital stay Hi Sophie
Just spent the last three nights in hospital. I felt unwell on Weds. but put it down to over doing it …Thurs temp 38.8…so off I went …blood check alittle low but passable …just an infection of some sort …out by Sunday afternoon with a course of antibiotics…first real problem I have had…so mustn’t grumble.
Hope you had the news you were waiting for on Friday.
Let me know.
PS have contacted Mitso x x xOnetit

onetit sorry you have hit a bad time , i have put a post out for mitso, i am now waiting for tuesday as consultant on hols till monday and becky not in till tuesday, so hopfully hear then . let me know what ur scans show.
i am also not to good feeling really tried and unwell, cant knock of this tooth absence, been taken out for 3 weeks now and still not gone.feeling on a real low, trying to build my self up now.
you need to do the same, plenty of jucier ! will be back on net on 12 here goes !!!

goodluck for tuesday Hi Sophie

Here’s wishing you good luck for Tuesday. Becky said a lady had been in touch with her and she was hoping to give her some news soon . … that may have been you.
Feeling a lot better but still feel very tired all the time …my enegy levels have not picked up since my stay in hospital .
Let us know how you get on x x x x xOnetit

hi onetit had my appiontment yesterday and herceptin treatment they have refused me the tykerb at present as they said that the cancer has to progress further to be excepted on tykerb , still trying to take all in . my specialist said he is setting up scans for and on those results we can my some decisions.
how are you doing ! had any results yet ?

so sorry Hi Sophie

So sorry you have been refused Tykerb.
I know it sounds strange but at least you can have this as a back up. It is however bloody unfair that you have to wait for things to get worse before you can try some of the new drugs.
I have got dates for a Muga and CT scan. Muga 26th April and 10th May CT scan. I’ll wait for the results until I come back from celebrating my ruby anniversary in Paris on the 25th May.
Don’t want any bad news to take with me.
Hope your scans will help you choose the direction you will go in.
I am still feeling pretty good if alittle tired.
Hope you get some positive news soon. Take care x x x xOnetit

hi onetit thank you for your reply , i do hope the scan have some great news ! after so much treatment you deserve it , happy holiday