Ongoing emotional support anyone?

Does anyone with a mother or close relative with cancer want to correspond through private message to support each other? I feel a bit dazed by it all (my mum has been diagnosed with triple neg BC and just has a masetecomy, now awaiting chemo and then rads) and feel it would be nice to build up connections to people going through similar times with their own mother/relative. Some of how I feel can be hard to write on the public forum. Please msg me if you are interested.

Hi, my Mum was diagnosed in January. Since had 6 chemo , mastectomy and should start radiotherapy in August. Feel free to contact me, i know what you’re going through and need to chat to someone in a similar situation myself.
Rach xxx

Dear overtherainbow- have just seen your message after being away a few days. I am assuming that you have BC yourself - but not sure about that?
If you do have BC my experience may be helpful to you - or maybe not? If it is I would be happy to be in touch with you if you’d like to p m.

I am 66 & have Grade3, stage 3 BC and my younger daughter has has 2 primary BC diagnoses; the first was triple neg and the second hormone positve; She was first diagnosed aged 32 and then again 4 years later. She has had 2 masts and recons and is currently 8 years from 1st diag and NED - in fact we have just celebrated her 40th birthday.
I was picked up on routine screening; had WLA and level 3 excision - one node affected. Chemo and rads and now on arimidex.
No genetic link and no family history.
Look forward to heating from you- but won’t be offended if our family experience is not the same as yours and wouldn’t help.

Hi, my mum has secondary cancer. She had radiotherapy 8 years ago and then last year it flared up again and she had chemotherapy. It’s now spread and unfortunatley it has flared up again so she’s started taking oral chemo tablets. I’m 25 and live with my mum. I would love to talk to anyone in the same situtation as find it really difficult sometimes to deal with.
Let me know if you or anyone wants to chat. Thanks, Annabel

Hi Tinkerbell and others watching.

My mum also has secondary cancer and I am happy to chat.

Hi thanks J2007. I just wondered what you do to help youself? Do you look into it further or just help your mum? Mum’s lump going down again which is good but still keeps rearing it’s ugly head every few months! Annabel x

Hi everyone, this is my first post here. I’m Jenny and i’m 23. I’m on twitter too if you have that, and facebook. My twitter name is Loganberry09.

My mum was recently diagnosed with breast cancer for the second time and we are currently awaiting her results to see if it has spread. She’s having tests done this Thursday and Friday and then will have to talk to doctor the following Friday but i’m keeping everything crossed. Right now, I just don’t know what to think. She’s so healthy in herself, i can’t believe it has happened again. I was only 8 the first time around and you know what they say about ignorance being bliss…

It’s nice to find this site. I’m reading through your messages and it’s really helping alot so thank you.


Hi again Jenny, I’m on facebook too and twitter although don’t really use it as much!

I was only about 17/18 when mum was first diagnosed with BC. She chose to keep it quiet for a bit until she knew exactly what was happening and then she told me when she was more clear as to what was going on. At that time she only had radiotherapy and it cleared up. It then came back last year and had gone to other parts of her body, although the main area where it stemmed from was her breast like before. she had chemotherapy and lost her hair (in the picture she wears a wig - that was during her chemo) but she then got the all clear in January/February time of this year. Unfortunately in August it came back again and she is now on chemo tablets which doesn’t effect her hair. At this moment in time, so far so good as they say. I’m 25 and still find it difficult sometimes. For me because her hair isn’t falling out this time, it’s not so apparant but last month when we found out it was awful and I struggled soo much. This is when I found this website and it has been amazing! It is so nice to talk to people about the things that you don’t or can’t talk to your bf/friends or parents about. There is a facebook group for on there which I have added and is also good.
You just have to stay strong and have faith that everything is going to be ok. xxx