Anyone know if there is supposed to be more/closer screening of people carrying the BRCA1 or 2 mutation?
Anyone know if there is supposed to be more/closer screening of people carrying the BRCA1 or 2 mutation?
Dear Dahlia
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Breast Cancer Care ,
Hi Dahlia,
Because of my strong family history of breast cancer I was having mamograms every 18th months. Once I was found to have the BRCA1 mutation in March this year, I was offered yearly MRI’s as well. Apart from the MRI there isn’t really any closer screening.
As for the ovarian cancer, I haven’t seen a consultant about this yet so do not know at what point they will start the screening for this.
Hope this helps
Hi Jemma,
Your geneticist should have referred you for ovarian screeing when you were diagnosed with the BRCA 1 mutation. You’re entitled to this because of the increased risk of ovarian cancer. I’d chase this up if I was you.
Best wishes x