Only offered a mammogram despite original cancer being missed by one

I have just had my annual check post surgery for primary breast cancer. My original cancer did not show up on a mammogram. I had nipple discharge and so was offered an ultrasound which resulted in a biopsy and detection of cancer. The MRI showed lots of areas of pre-invasive cells so I had a mascetomy on that breast. I was told by the consultant at my appt that they have decided that my risk for primary breast cancer in the other breast is low and therefore they will only offer me a mammogram. I can’t help but think this is to do with funding. Surely an ultrasound should have been offered, if not an MRI, due to the fact I have dense breasts and a previous cancer which was undetected by mammogram. Anyone else have a similar experience? 

Dear Claire,

So sorry to read your post, quite understandably you are feeling let down by the system I would be too, I also feel I would go back to my Breast Cancer Nurse, tell them how you’re feeling you are obviously worried as most of us would be, hopefully they would arrange for you to have a further tests to put  your mind at rest failing that maybe your GP could help.

Wishing you well, please keep posting and let us know how you are getting on.

big hugs      Tili :rainbow: :rainbow: