oopherectomy.... any advice re-side effects

Hi Ladies
I have er positive breast cancer(bone mets L hip )since Mar 07. I have been taking zoladex and femera since then. In order to stop the zoladex I had my ovaries removed 2 weeks ago. The recovery has been non-eventful apart from extreme tiredness. Is this normal? Should I be concerned that there is something more sinister at play? When I asked re-side effects I was informed that they would be no different from the side-effects I was already experiencing from the zoladex and I could return to work within 2 weeks.
Can any-one shed any light on the feelings of tiredness?
Thanks in advance to any-one who can offer advice

Hi ot2walk
I can’t shed any light on the tiredness part as when I had my ovaries ablated in December I had such an upset stomach it probably masked it! There have been quite a few ladies on here who have had them surgically removed so if there’s no answers in the secondaries bit it may be worth posting this elsewhere - these threads do have a habit of hiding these days! Hope your recovery goes well and the tiredness stops soon. Once I got over my side effects from the ablation I have felt fine and and glad I’m not having the dreaded Zoladex stabbing each month :slight_smile:
Nicky x

I had my ovaries removed by key hole and had a really nasty infection in the left hole, but no tiredness maybe it could be due to coming off the drugs. I remember the hot flushes with dread! These were helped with red clover tablets. Maybe ring your bc nurse, sorry I can’t help more.
Hope you soon feel better.
Love Debsxxx

Hi Nicky and Debs

many thanks for taking the time to reply. I have no idea why I feel soo tired… hopefully it is the effects of the zoladex and the removal of the ovaries as you suggested Debs and nothing else. Anyway I hope to return to work the middle of next week…I wonder if I ask my manager will factor an afternoon nap into my day!!!
Also thanks for the advice regarding Red Clover, will try this to help with the hot flushes.
Take care