Oopherectomy - how much did it hurt?

Ruby, I had a salpingo-oophrectomy (tube and ovaries) a week after the end of my rads in October. I stayed in hospital one night and after about 4-5 days I felt pretty back to normal. I had the op because I am BRCA 2, so susceptible to breast but also ovarian cancer. I am 42 and was diagnosed with BC in February. I discovered I was BRCA 2 in June and decided to take everything off (other breast as well). The oophrectomy was really easy compared to the rest. Good luck !

Hi Ladies,
Can I ask what additional side effects (if any) you’re having following your ooph?
Many thanks
Smiles x

Hi, I just wanted to add that I was offered the oopherectomy (and had it done) purely as preventative measure on grade 2 stage 2 bc. No family history, no spread, and no symptoms of anything wrong in that area. It was done pretty much at the end of my cancer treatment.

Ness1 that’s the same situation I am in and I am seriously considering it.

How has it been?

Smiles x

I was led to believe that the keyhole surgery was going to be a doodle - I didn’t find it that way, I found it quite painful for a few days after and just laid on the sofa, but after about a week I was doing much better. It was a no brainer to me, I was highly er pos so having that op done was just another preventative measure. the flushes havnt been too bad really - they advised me that they would prob be quite severe due to my age - was 37 at the time. The main thing now for me is my bone density is decreasing quite quickly, but I do take medication to try and help combat that.
Hope this helps.

Thanks Ness, what medication do you have to take to combat the bone density changes?
Are you having any other problems?
Smiles x

Well I am booked in now for mine next Thursday the 26th Jan, not having it done laparascopically though as too complicated with my tram recon and mesh in place, gynae surgeon is going to do a caesarean style cut and tunnel under (makes me wince just writing that!) good news is breast surgeon is going to do axilla clearance on same day so two for the price of one, a kind of NHS BOGOF! I get three nights in the NHS prison and a couple of weeks feeling like someone has kicked me in the belly, still if it gives me an extra insurance policy it will be worth it.

I have also just been accepted for genetic testing despite there being no history of bc or ovarian cancer in my family, I was only 38 at dx and this is second time round for me and I was borderline as to whether they were going to do it or not, glad they are though.


Well Ruby, I am having my hysterectomy and ooph on Monday 30th so you will probably be up, out and disco dancing by the time I go in. If the NHS are doing buy one get one free do you think I could ask for a tuck while they are down there? ( Imean tummy tuck not a designer vagina!!)
Good luck, I am sure we are doing the right thing for the right reasons. I am waiting to hear about the genetic testing too, like you no history of cancer in the family but twice by the age of 42 looks a bit suspicious. Not had any reconstruction yet, both got to be done if I go down that route so we will see in the fullness of time. Actually better not let them take my baby belly after all in case I need it to make 2 new boobs out of!

Rachel and ruby there is a research trial called the genetics of familial breast cancer study which will look for gene mutations in women with bilateral cancer… So if both cancers you had were completely separate you can ask about this… It’s done through the institute of cancer research… Locally there might be some facilities in place, but usually they won’t test you as an individual unless you fit specific criteria… Having triple neg breast cancer under age 40 is one of these… I have no real family history but had BC twice by 40 and one was TNBC and since then iv had a recurrence at 43.

Good luck to you both with your hyst and ooph… I’m 16 months past mine now and all things gynae are fine.


Thanks Lulu, good to know!!

Hi All,
Had mine on Tueday night (24th Jan). I stayed in overnight, as it was late, and actually most of the next morning as I was waiting for my husband! But I still felt a bit woozy from the anaesthetic, so that was probably for the best.
So far, so good. I am taking the painkillers, but by no means all of them. Am really feeling great. I have been on Zoladex for several months, and have been told therefore that my menopausal systems won’t get any worse.

I will also stay on Tamoxifen for another year, before being moved onto an aromatase inhibitor. What are other people’s experiences of this? I’m 42, but am officially menopausal now…but I seem to be coping very well with Tamoxifen, so am not in a hurry to ‘rock the boat.’

Good luck to those facing surgery soon,

TSR I stayed on tamox too and not gonna change to an AI as I get very little SEs from the tamox… Iv been on it for 4 years out of the last 6 but had to stop twice cos I got hormone neg cancer and a recurrence of that… So when Iv finished treatment iv to go back on the tamox for another year for the first BC… Don find it problematic at all… Had more symptoms on Chemo and after my hyst and ooph than th tamox.


Wow Tracey thats incredible that you were out so quickly. Which way did they do it? Here they say 4 days with day 1 being the day after surgery when they wont even let you out of bed because of catheter and drains. Usually pretty good at surgery so now Ive read your post am hopeful I will be in and out quick too! Like you 42 and on tamox, but only just finished chemo and rads for 2nd bout of bc. Having nasty period like pain on tamox which I hope will stop once ovaries are out. I think they say tamox is good for bones and will help stave off osteoporosis so hope can stay on it rather than AI. Anyway, good luck all and heres hoping for speedy recoverys!

Hi Rachel,
It was keyhole- so they made four incisions. I took the dressings off today, and they are all very neat! In my case, they have left my uterus- which I presume is standard, unless they have a good reason to take the lot. I have had a tiny bit of spotting since, but that is it. Interestingly I have not had a single hot flush all week…but I have been on zoladex for months, so that had shut my ovaries down- I was still a bit ‘hot’ from time to time though, so that will be great if it lasts.

So, no periods and no Tampax to buy. No mood swings. No birth control needed. No spots. Even the menopause has it’s positive points!!


Hi all I had an ooph 2 1/2 years ago when I was dx with secondaries. Prior to this I had been on zoladex. I went in fasted the day of the op, which they did via key hole surgery and I was home the next day. Didn’t find it particularly painful and you now would have to look very hard to see any scaring.

Good luck to all of you about to go through this. X

Wonder if it makes much difference if youre having hysterectomy (which I am) at the same time?

Hi Daffodil
when having your ovaries and tubes out its normal procedure to have keyhole surgery and be done as either day surgery or an overnight stay.

with a hysterectomy and oophorectomy it often cannot be done as keyhole surgery and is done in an open procedure and requires a hospital stay of 3-5 days… you are usually catheterised over night and connected to PCA (patient controlled analgesia) which is like a morphine pump you administer to your self.

i went in and had my op first thing tuesday morning and was home teatime on friday.

take care
lulu x

Thanks Lulu, as ever!!Thats more like what I expected and hope it can be done vaginally which is, I think, the surgeons preferred option if not will try keyhole and open procedure as last resort so hopefully recovery time will be fairly quick. Just having last meal, sips of water til 6am but have had the mother of all hangovers today and dehydrated which wasnt the cleverest thing Ive done so will be sipping for England!Rachel x

Good luck Rachel - hope I look as good with a hangover!

Rachel vaginal hysterectomy is usually quicker recovery than open… Mine couldn’t do vaginal for some reason… Don’t think they had funding or something like that… And it was longer to do vaginal hyst and keyhole ooph.

Lulu x