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oophorectomy Hi,I’m new here and was just hoping to get any helpful advice from anyone that has had oophorectomy as a preventative measure.I had breast cancer 2 years ago and my mum has had breast and ovarian cancer,we found out that we both carry the BRCA1 gene so it’s advised that i have this surgery done sooner rather than later.I go into hospital in 10 days time and just feeling a bit anxious about it all even though i know it’s for the best to get it done.I’m lucky that i have 2 children so i no longer need them to have family which is a blessing.Just wondered how long till i’m mobile and driving again?
Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Thank you

oopherectomy Hi Georgia,
I had salpingo oopherectomy July 27 inciscion in stomach. I was 2 weeks off work but think I would have been better with three . I wasn’t driving so can’t answer that one.Make sure they know to take your tubes as well as my sister and I found they did not have this written on our notes when we went in for our ops.
Wishing you a speedy recovery.

luv ruthine x