Hi there. You may remember I posted a few weeks ago just before and after attending my local hospital for tests on a lump. At the time there was some discord between the two doctors as to the best course of action after a fine needle aspiration showed ‘atypical response’ in the cells. The grumpy consultant decided that although the lump was probably benign, he thought it best to remove it completely. His colleague was more inclined to just do a core biopsy before decided what to do next. The consultant won and I was booked in for a lump excision.
I wasn’t massively happy about this but was persuaded that it was the best thing to do - at least I would know it was all gone and couldn’t turn into anything sinister later on.
So despite the awful weather conditions etc, I attended yesterday and was operated on by a different doctor. Came round really well, no particular discomfort and feeling that I had done the right thing. The female surgeon came to talk to us briefly and said that it looked fine and we shouldn’t lose sleep over Christmas. Results due in about 3 weeks. Then the other surgeon (who had done the pre-op chat earlier in the day) came round and told us that they hadn’t removed it all! They had taken a 1cm chunk and sent that for analysis instead. I was still a little fluffy from the anaesthetic so didn’t challenge him at the time but I think he said that it appeared to be fibrous and bigger than expected and that it would have been very invasive to get it all out. If it turns out to be something nasty, they can go back in again.
By later last night it was all starting to niggle at me and by today I’m feeling very low and worried again. I consented to a lump excision on the basis that it would all be removed and all worry gone. I now have a lump of indetermined size and nature which is left in me. It may well be benign at the moment but what might it be in the future and how will I know if I get a more sinister lump later on?
Sorry to ramble but it really has rattled me. I have been feeling so utterly negative about my body (and particularly the offending article) for a while now and it’s affecting other areas of my life too. I need to find a way to get on top of this but today am feeling really let down. They may well have made the right decision but perhaps it’s more that the decision was taken out of my hands. I really don’t know.
Does anyone have any experience of this or any thoughts/comments to offer?