Operation cancelled at last minute due to no beds

Good morning everybody, I should have had my operation yesterday for lumpectomy, I had to go to nuclear dept at hosp on Tuesday to have injection of radioactive material in prep for op when I got home reaceived telephone call from hospital to tell me my op had been cancelled due to no beds, This is my second breast cancer i had it in my right breast 11 years ago now it has returned in my left breast.

They promised they would call me the next day with new date nothing heard from them the thought of having the radioactive injection again is horrible unfortunately will have to. At the moment my head is all over the place cant sleep or relax trying not to feel sorry for myself just feel it was very unfair as they had started on the treatment pre op then i was just left in limbo. Feel better now for having a moan just want to get this thing out of me. 

Love to All

Oh my! Having one diagnosis has messed with my head, to have two must be awful. And then to have your op cancelled after the most unpleasant injection is just inhuman!! I’d be calling them demanding to know what’s happening. I think they would have been admitting me to a mental asylum if that had happened to me. Sending big hugs, hope you hear something very soon and btw I really don’t consider your post ‘a moan’ that’s what this forum is for. Keep us updated. xxxxxxx

That’s shocking! I would call the hospital tomorrow and demand an explination. I didn’t need a damn bed for my lumpectomy. Stayed in op theatre untill i woke up then went home? Crazy. Hope you get it sorted. Love Lorna x