Operation Due

Hi everyone, I have got a date for my lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node removal surgery and I have had one of those days where I feel sick and anxious. It feels like the days after chemotherapy.
Any advice on how to move forward. Operation is 20 Feb.


I also have a date on Friday 28th Feb. I’m on holiday this week but will be busy working from Monday. I’m trying not to think about it and am still mulling over a 2nd opinion I got last week so its all moving quickly now. I am due to have a lumpectomy and clearance and am terrified as its all in my axilla which everyone says is painful. I am also worried re the side effects after the clearance. I finished chemo in November but have had sepsis, a DVT and a 3td CT hence the delay as still on blood thinners until the 24th Feb.


Sounds like you’ve been through lots already, I’m sure it’s left its mark on your positivity at times. I didn’t have Chemo but I can tell you that my experience of the WLE and SNLB procedure was positive with very minimal pain (you’ll be given pain relief to take at home just in case). I recovered quickly, just follow the advice you are given for wound care and try to do your arm exercises and move, gentle walk as soon as you feel you can. Try to focus on it as a process as much as you can, it might feel more in perspective that way. Good Luck x


Hello, I just wanted to share my experience of lumpectomy and SLNB. It all went like clockwork, in and out in a day, no pain at all, no restriction in movement, no problems with healing. I had cording afterwards but an excellent NHS physio fixed it. The waiting and wondering is horrible but once the day comes you can let yourself go into their hands. Try to distract yourself in the days before, you will get through it.
I wish you all the best x


The waiting game, takes it toll on us all, at the moment take one day at a time, try to keep busy, meet up with that special friend, have a nice walk in the park, all very easy for me to say when your feeling so anxious.

I can second what Wee-emm has said, my WLE went very well, home the same day without any problems.

Hopefully time will pass very quickly for you, wishing you all the luck, will be thinking of you please let us know how your getting on

Much love Tili :pray::rainbow::pray::rainbow:


I can echo the others, have had WLE and SLNB. All went well, minimal pain after and great recovery. Just take care of yourself and do those arm exercises. Fresh air and gentle walks work wonders!
Lots of love x


I am waiting for date for operation. I have found it comforting ready all the comments .
Thank you


All went well and I am home. Sentinel Lymph Node was clear. The issue is that the lymph nodes that were identified as having cancer during biopsy and where seed was placed were too deep to reach during the operation. Has anyone else experienced this?
My team are meeting next week to decide what kind of operation I will need to have.
Be good to hear from you :heart::heart:

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