Option: Mx or Lump

I have not got any idea what to choose and really could do with some ideas - I been told i have grade 3 BC and have a choice of either chemo first and hope the lump shrinks and then remove or Mx/DEIP reconstruction and chemo after. I have reviewed lots of stuff on the interenet and advise from consultant states the prognosis is the same either route, but i could do with some input from you if you had the choice what would you choose? Many thanks all x

hEy. I have grade three too. I’m having mx first then chemo. Personally I prefer that way. Want the cancer out. Rather than have cancer longer and it shrinking. Wish you luck with your decision xx

Hey Carolina, its nice to find out what others are thinking its such a hard decision as you know. Good luck with your treatment. x

I had 4 chemo first and although I was not keen at the time doing it this way round I had a complete response to chemo in that my 48mm tumour had gone and all that was left was scar tissue so I know the chemo worked. I have since had Mx but that was my decision as had BC before and found I had BRCA 1.

I sometimes wish they would not give us a choice just tell us what to do.

Sending hugs

Wendy x x

I had a grade 3 Invasive - I was told it was 3cm. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel node biopsy. The lump turned out to be 2.5cm.

My results came back with clear margins and no node involvement and no lympho vascular invasion. I am to receive rads and tamoxifen. Was told I’m borderline for chemo an have a meeting on the 22nd to discuss my options but I’m going to take chemo.

As far as I’m concerned I HAD cancer. It was removed. My surgeon shuffled the remaining breast tissue around and I have a perfect boob now.

The decision you make has to be the right decision for you and only you can make it. Try not to google, just stick to this website and the MacMillian website.

Good luck with your decision,

Thanks so much for your comments they really are helping, I do appreciate it so the more the better please! I am beginning to sway towards chemo first… I think… to at least try to reduce it from the 4cm, the only thing that worries me is it coming back. There is a lot of info on this site, I cannot seem to find info around recurrance on lump vs Mx, can anyone assist?

I had a mx done yesterday, I had a lump removed and sentinel node at the first lot of surgery and was node positive so then had a full axillary clearance and then within 3 weeks it had come back back in my breast. My consultant did discuss with me chemo first as a measure of the chemo’s success etc. In the end he didn’t give me a choice as he advised Mx then chemo. I am 34 years old and its been hell of a rollercoaster so far (one I’d like to get off of.) I know it’s a very personal thing but I feel better knowing the cancer has been removed.

Hi Undecided,
I don’t think I’ve seen anything about lump vs mx. For me I wasn’t given an option. I had initial surgery but was then told I would need a mx. I then decided to have Chemo before mx. My reasoning for this was that I had lymph involvement and thought that if the cancer cells had acquired the ability to move to my lymph nodes, they coulwe’ll be on the move elsewhere. I wanted to get on to systematic treatment ASAP. Chemo worked very well for me, when I had a mx, there was no evidence of any cancer and nothing more in my nodes.
Good luck with your decision. It’s a very diffult one.

Lisa xxxx

Thanks very much all of you, its been great receiving all the feedback and knowing there is support out there.
Take care.