I have had bone secondaries for 2 1/2 years now and its been fairly well controlled with bondronat, zoladex injections and aromasin. I have also had a couple of blasts of radiotherapy. However over the last 6 months i have been getting a lot of pain and the oncologist has suggested i might benefit from oral chemo to help keep things under control. I was wondering what peoples experiences of this has been…side effects etc and will i be able to continue working.
Hi Trish Im on capecitabine and find the side effects very minimul, mainly a little tiredness, my biggest problem is either constipation or diarhea, trying to get meds adjusted to minimise these effects, but I think it the Zomorph thats causing the constipation effects.
Im not working and wouldnt be able to due to my spinal mets are at the bottom of my spine and sitting too long is a pain and likewise is standing.
Personally I think people could possibly work but its an individual thing.
You might it useful to read the BCC fact sheet on capectabine, it discusses what it is, how it works, the benefits and possible side effects. If you would like to order a copy of this or read it on line just follow this link:-
Hi Trish, I was diagnosed with bone mets 8 years ago. I’ve been on Xeloda since April 2008. It’s my first chemo. I’ve had very little in the way of side effects and my energy levels have been good.