Orpington/St Mary Cray Area

Hi all,
Sue, hope your mouth is better by now .Are you giving the wig an airing yet? My scalp has been itchy all day today, think that might be the first sign.
Julie, yes,different advice for daughters, I suppose it may depend upon the type of bc we have.Hope you’re managing to get some sleep in spite of the steroids and are OK after today’s dose. Lucky you on your last leg!
Have felt heaps better (fingers crossed and touching wood I’m not speaking too soon)the last few days. Can’t believe the difference a week can make.
loula xx

Hi Loula,

Glad to hear that you are at last beginning to feel better. How is the hair?
Had my last chemo today. My bloods were really low so there was a bit of a panic, but the chemo went ahead. I have got to go and have my injection tomorrow to boost blood (lets hope they don’t leave me with as bad a bruise as I got from the chemo!)


Well done Julie.
All complete and just recovery to go.

Hi Sue,

Yes really good to know it was the last one, Just sleepless nights and side effects to deal with for the last time and then maybe my hair will make an appearance!!


Hi all,
Hope you don’t get many side effects this time Julie and then you can build up your strength.Do you have your Neulasta injection at the Sloane or Chelsfield Park? I have to do mine myself. I’ve actually been to dancing class tonight; it starts at nine and we foxtrotted and cha cha chad for an hour. To think that last Friday I could hardly put one foot in front of the other. Hair is still on head but fluffy. I washed it tonight and inspected the bath closely every few minutes but none came out, although my scalp is sore. Had a panic moment that it might start to fall out while dancing which would be very embarrassing but it survived.
Hope you sleep well.

Hi Annette,

Side effects are just starting to kick in with back ache and taste.(yuk),but at least it is for the last time.
I take my Neulasta injection to my doctors and the nurse gives it to me the following day.
Well done at managing to keep your hair and dancing for an hour!!
When is your next chemo due?


Hi Julie,
Sorry to hear the se’s have started, maybe time for the ibuprofen.I’ve just read on another thread that someone was advised by a nurse to start it early before the pain sets in. My next dose is due on Friday, so I’m making the most of this last week of “freedom”.
Hope the se’s don’t worsen but remember it’s the LAST TIME!
Annette x

hi Julie,
Sorry your side effects are kicking in already. It is the last one! No more nasties after these. I will be joining you as this time next week I will have had my last tax!
Glad all is well Annette. Enjoy the next weekend.

hi all,

Hope everyone is feeling brighter than the weather this morning!

Sue - I bet you can’t wait until next week make the most of sleeping well before the steroids start!

Annette - Make the most of your last week of “freedom”. I have got plenty of Ibuprofen thanks but I have been trying to take as few extra drugs as possible with so much being pumped into my body!!! I probably know too much about medecine as I work at a surgery.

Enjoy the rest of your weekend and lets hope the sun makes an appearance!


Hi there Can I butt in???
I’m local to you - Bromley. Getting all my treatment at Marsden following the initial diagnosis at Princess Royal. My mum had her care at Marsden, so I knew it was a place I trusted.
I finished my chemo last Friday and start RT in a couple of weeks. I’ve been a walking (or should I say ‘crawling’!), textbook of the most dramatic SE’s…
A friend commented that my list of side-effects reads like a Heavy Metal festival…
“On the main stage we have Steroid Psychosis, and appearing later - Oral Thrush, Plebitis and Hyperglycemia…”



Hi Emma,

You are more than welcome to butt in. Its nice to know that there is someone else in this sunny part of England!! Looks like we are at the same stage, but I don’t start Radiotherapy until 21st March.
Are you having your treatmant at the Marsden Hospital on Sutton or up town?
How are you feeling after last chemo?


Hi Emma,
Welcome to this thread. We thought we’d had major se’s but you seem to have surpassed us all! But at least you’ve finished,got through it all and are on the last leg now.
best wishes,

Hi Emma,
Glad you joined us and welcome. I liked the heavy metal side effects joke.
How are you recovering from chemo?
I have my last tax scheduled for Friday and surgery next month, all at Guys and St T’s. I’m in Lewisham.

Hi everyone,
Had my second C+Tax yesterday and have had migraine type headache since the middle of last night, just like last time.
Julie, I know you had migraines the first time, did they continue? Tax dose was reduced by 20%, so I think it must be the steroids,
Hair started coming out in handfuls last week, had it cut short but will have to give wig its first airing when I next venture out. Am expecting to feel selfconscious and hoping for calm weather.
Hope everyone else is doing well.

Hi all,

Loula - I only had a bad migraine with my 1st chemo all the others have just given me a muzzy head for a few days.I am not sure if it is the steroids or chemo that causes this.It is horrid when your hair starts coming out in handfuls and I think I found that hardest to deal with. I have never got used to wearing my wig, but wear scarves all the time. My hair has just started growing back again now!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok. It has been very quiet on here over the last week.


Hi everyone,
Julie - headache gone now, just muzzy head as you said.
Our daughter told the grandchildren my hair was coming out and my grandson cried. Yet today when they skyped us and I was wearing a turban and scarf, he wanted me to take it of so he could see my head!
The turban scarf combination spooked the cat this morning, he took one look at me, looked very shocked and ran away, terrified!
Pleased to hear your hair’s growing, that’s very reassuring.

Forgot to mention, onc’s handshake definitely firmer on Friday.

Sleep well everyone.

Julie - I’m at Marsden on Fulham Road.

It’s not too bad a journey and from door to door only 45 mins. They let me choose a time slot for RT, which I thought was incredibly considerate. I opted for 10.30, so that I’m forced to get my act together and stop mopeing in bed and have the rest of the day to do something fun, energy permitting.

Feeling very proud of myself having finally booked a consultation and an Induction Day at The Haven - anyone here heard of it?


Up till now I’ve been reluctant to seek support outside of friends and family…but since there was very little support to be found there…

This is good - just being able to tap away on the keyboard (especially as with a mouth full of ulcers, talking can be painful!), but I’m ready to be with other people and break the issolation.

I wonder when I’ll stop feeling so chemo-poisoned. After sessions 4 and 5 I didn’t feel much recovered before the next dose. It varies so drastically from one woman to another.

Loula - you have skype! Friends abroad keep nagging me to get it. Small children are quite frank aren’t they! My 3 year old neice’s reaction to my bald bonce was - “oh dear… you look like a man!”

Hi Emma,

I have not heard of The Haven. When is your induction day? You will have to let me know how it goes. If you feel issolated you can always send me a pm if we are close we can meet up.
It is now 11 days since my final chemo which was the worse. I seem to have avoided getting ulcers in my mouth due to a mixture of mouth washes and sprays, but have ended up with ulcers inside my eyelids (really sore!!).
So glad the chemo is all over and my haie is at last making an appearance.


Induction day is on the 8th of March. It’s an all day affair with tasters of all their classes. They even throw in a special ‘healthy living’ lunch! I’m going to see if I can shift my RT session to first thing so I’m not late attending.
They posted me a dvd along with leaflets - the place looks like… well, a Haven!

Hi Emma,

Just had a look at the site. Places are all taken on 8th so I will not be able to book that day. Let me know if it is good.
