Orpington/St Mary Cray Area


I am half way through chemo. and It would be great to talk or meet up with people in the local area.


Hi Julie,#
Just found your post; I’m in Lewisham which is quite near you and am now 4/6 way through primary chemo (mx and clearance planned for the spring). I’m having treatment at Guys at the moment. What about you? How are you getting on?
Best wishes,

Hi Sue,

I am also 4/6 way through chemo (5th one is due on Thursday!!).I have already had a lumpectomy & axilary node clearance before chemo. So far I have had treatment at Chelsfield Park and Sloane Hospital as luckily my husband has Bupa cover through his work, but I am going to Guys or Harley Street for radiotherapy in March.
How are you coping with the treatment? When is your next one due?

Good to hear from you.


Hi Julie and Sue,
I’m in your area too. Was diagnosed at King’s mid December after routine mammagram at Bromley, had WLE and SNB at London Bridge Hospital, consultation at the Sloane and started first chemo of 4xC+Tax last Friday at London Bridge. So I’ve been all over the place! Will be starting rads later at Harley St. Clinic or maybe Guy’s, which would be an easier journey.
Would be happy to chat - not up to meeting anywhere at present, can’t even
walk in a straight line around the house.
Julie, have you been to any of the support sessions at the Sloane?
Also have you heard of the S.E.Cancer support place at Purley? I went for a hair loss, scarf tying session that was good. They also offer therapies etc.

Hi again Julie,
Just read an earlier post of yours on another thread. Having had my first chemo last Friday, I had the most horrendous migraine type headache,with waves of nausea all last night. Rang the out of hours number and was advised to take more paracetamol and the nurse said she’d tell the oncologist.It eased off by the morning but is still hanging round. Interesting to hear your experience of this too.Don’t think I could stand a week of it though.

Hi Loula,
Sorry you are having a hard time with headaches on chemo. I found the first one the hardest. Do drink plenty of water as I found this helped. Also I have relied on nurofen. It is pretty awful but does get better.
Best wishes,

Hi Loula,

Yep I have been to London Bridge, Sloane & Chelsfield Park so I have also been all over the place. I am having my Radiotherapy at Harley Street so I will be able to add that to the list.

No I have not been to any of the support sessions at the Sloane. I think at the start(back in September) I would not have been able to go to any meetings etc as I could not really talk about things face to face and was very emotional. That is were this site is very good as its often easier to type/text etc rather than talk (at the beginning). I have been to the macmillan centre at Queen Marys Hospital where you can get scarves and they also do other therapies.

Well done with having your 1st chemo (its the worse one).Did you use a cold cap? The chemo does seem to leave everyone muzzy headed for a couple of days so don’t panic by the fact that I had a headache for a week, I am sure that is not normal (I like to be different!).

As Sue said drink plenty of water and I know you are a bit further behind than the two of us with treatment, but it honestly does get easier to cope with.

Take care


Hi Ladies,
Thanks for your encouraging words, I needed them! Had overnight stay at the London Bridge last night as felt truly dreadful Sun night and all day yesterday and then developed a temperature so they called me in. Spent sleepless night on uncomfortable bed in v. noisy room - not their usual standard. Conclusion was that they may reduce the drugs next time and that I’d had a v. strong (positive) reaction to the Neulasta which gave the horrendous pains and temperature, so may be given the 5 single jabs next time. Not sure if this is better .
Will be interested to hear about venues for rads as I can choose.
I did try the cold cap Julie, but both the nurse and I forgot about it until I’d had the first drug put in, so doubt that it will work.
Have lovely wig standing (or sitting) by in case.

Hi Loula,

Must be something abouy the first chemo, because I ended up in London Bridge for 3 days after mine and the 2nd chemo was reduced by 20%.
I used the cold cap for the 1st chemo only and hair was coming out in handfuls by day 15 so gave up. As I suffered with the bad headache and was not sure if it was the overdose of chemo or cold cap that might of caused it I didn’t bother any more as hair was so thin by 2nd.
Hope you are feeling better now.


Hi Loula
Are you still in the bridge? I hope you are at home and you are feeling better.
I hope to be turning the corner today. Tax 2 has left me with a very sore mouth despite the flucanozole and difflam. My hair is shedding but not suffciently to warrant clippers and wig as yet. I had one neurlasta jab on Saturday which wasn’t quite as bad for side effects as the first one.
take care

Hi Julie and Sue,
Thanks for your responses, sorry about your se’s Sue and your stay in the London Bridge Julie, but it is reassuring to know that I’m not alone. Came home Tues but OH rang them again last night as temp above 38.
Have the mouthwash at the ready Sue but no need for it yet fortunately.Hope your mouth feels better soon.
I wonder if we all have the same onc? Very pleasant,tall, young looking man?
Take care loula

Hi Loula,

Hope you are feeling a bit better now. I had put on who my oncologist was but got a message back saying that it had been deleted as we are not allowed to put consultants names on the site.


Hi Julie,
THought so -does he fit the description though? At least mine’s v. pleasant - some of the other posters on this site don’t seem so lucky.

Hi Loula,

Yes he is very nice and covers London Bridge & Sloane (very limp hand shake though!!). At least we are lucky to see the same person each time unlike others.
How are you coping with things now? know it is really difficult at the start.


Hi Julie,
I smiled at the limp handshake comment as I’d noticed that too and felt a little disappointed, for some reason.Obviously the same guy!
I’m feeling more human this evening, although have throbbing pains in lower back today. Enjoyed my first meal for over a week tonight.
Wasn’t prepared for look of shock horror on friends faces when I opened the door to them today though.Clearly I’m not looking just pale and interesting!
Sleep well.

Hi Loula,

Glad to hear that you are feeling a lot better. Is your taste back to normal then?
We will have to teach the oncologist how to give a firm handshake!

Take care

Hi all,
Was called in to LB again yesterday as I phoned for advice on total lack of energy - could hardly lift arms, white as a sheet, pounding heart. They and I thought I was anaemic but when I got there they had echocardiogram, ecg,chest xray, blood test all arranged.Then saw onc who told me the Tax had upset the electrical rhythm of my heart so it’s beating at a steady 100 - 105 beats a minute -hence exhaustion.
He gave me some betablockers and made an appointment for me to see the cardiologist I was due to see this month anyway (I had a stent fitted a little while ago). Have to say, the care was impressive.
Then started to ask the onc about increased risk of bc for my daughter and nieces and the tears began to flow -don’t they catch you out at the most awkward moments? But the onc was so very kind and considerate-in fact it makes me well up again to think about how lovely he was.
I can forgive the limp handshake now Julie, but maybe we will grasp his hand a little more firmly!

Hi Loula,

You have really gone through it with your first lot of chemo, lets hope the rest of your treatment goes more smoothly. I ended up in hospital a lot at the beginning of my treatment, but have actually managed not to be admitted the last couple of times!!!
Is LB nearer to you than Chelsfield Park or Sloane?
When I was first diagnosed the Oncologist discussed the fact that my daughter will have to be kept a closer eye on (she is 21), I am waiting until my treatment is over before discussing it with her though as she has found it hard dealing with things as she is away at university. How old is your daughter?
Hope you are feeling better today.


Hi Julie,
Had the high pulse rate sorted -cardiologist said he wasn’t worried about my heart, the pulse had accelerated because my blood pressure had dropped too low, so now have to monitor that more closely and reduce bp medication.
But then, had cystitis symptoms from Sat eve so have been confined to the cloakroom for a couple of days, now have antibiotics so getting better. Most frustrating as my energy came back, in fact I feel I’m on the steroids again, and would loved to have gone for a walk in the sunshine today but would have needed a portaloo.
The Sloane is very near to us and Chelsfield Park about 20 mins, but when I rang LB they’ve always said to go there. Didn’t occur to me that I could do otherwise. We’re getting rather tired of the fortyminute trip to LB and the congestion charge.
Onc told me our daughter (aged 40) has no greater risk than her friends, as we have no other family incidence of cancer. This was slightly different from the surgeon who said she had a 3 or 4 times greater chance and that the danger period would be between 55 and 65 but she would be being screened anyway then. But then, so was I!
I wanted to know if it was advisable for her to be screened privately before she’s old enough for the NHS screening. Onc said in America, women have annual mammagrams from 40. He said daughter might want one for peace of mind but not essential.
I can understand your not wanting to discuss this with your daughter yet - she’s probably feeling rather vulnerable at present.best wait until you have more information -onc very willing to spend time discussing it.

Hi Loula,

I went in to LB the 1st time after chemo because the oncologist was worried about how ill I was and was there so wanted me there, but the other 2 times when I was ill after chemo I went to Chelsfield Park which is where I have my chemo done.
I was told my daughter should start getting checked 4 or 5 years before the age I was when diagnosed. It is strange how everyone gets different advice.
It sounds like you are having fun and games with all the side effects. Hope they soon improve.
I am back on steroids tomorrow before my last chemo on Thursday so a few sleepless nights ahead!!
