Osteonecrosis of the jaw (ONJ)

Hello All,

So I discovered quite a large lump developing on my jaw bone, initially went to dentist as I thought I had infection as tooth was also sore, a course of antibiotics didn’t work, so he sent me to my GP, who contacted oncology for me and I’ve to go in next week to them… nurse said she thought it sounded like ONJ, but my GP seems to disagree… Im up the walls worrying, as it’s now quite large and sore. 

Has anyone ever heard of this…(I’ve metastatic of the bones)


Hi Stoney,

I’m sorry I cannot be of help, but could I ask how long you’ve been on bone injections for ? Is it Denosunab ? 

I’m not saying your GP is right or wrong, but I always find them to know a little bit about everything! They are not specialist in any area. I’m sure you already are doing, but definitely speak to a specialist in that field. Maxillo consultants or dentists. 

I hope you get it sorted! Let us know how you get on! Xx

I also just re-read that your dentist sent you to the GP… insist the GP refers you to someone in that field!!! Dont let them fob you off !!!