OUCH I finished rads last November after WLE and CMF but I’m sure that I’ve got more pain now than after surgery??? I have lots of really tender spots mostly on my ribs,next to and below the breast that was treated. Can anyone tell me they have experienced similar feelings-I’m due to go to the breast clinic in 3 weeks but hoped you lovely
ladies could stop my mind from working overtime.

I’m not a regular “poster” but I have found this site absolutely invaluable-thanks to you all.

maybe similar I finished rads in April this year after FEC/Taxotrer and WLE and Sentinel node thingy! I am in France and always feel I don’t understand anybody becuase of the language difficulty but I kept telling everybody that would listen that I had pains in my back (level with breast) and around my ribs. They all just thought I was mad but when I was being nosey and looking at my bone scans (you get to keep them here) it looked as though I had swollowed a box full of nails - all of these little white lines showing up in the chest area. I asked my doctor what they were and he said they are the staples they use to sew you back up. The thing was that they were nowhere near the lump in the breast but apparently they took out a lymph node (or noodle as my french surgeon calls them!) somewhere in my back. Or thats what I think he said. Sorry for rambling but do you think maybe yours is the same. I still get sharp pains in that area even now. Good luck! Jane

Hello Rachey

I finished my rads early Dec '05 and just like you have much more pain now than after my mastectomy in April 05. I too have lots of tender spots on my ribs in the same areas as you.

I’ve asked about it at follow ups but they just say its to be expected but dont expalin why. Recently had a bone scan for other pains and there was nothing nasty there.

I find it reassuring to hear that you are experiencing exactly the same as me - that’s the benefit of this website dont you think? I’d be very interested to hear what they say about it at your appt in 3 weeks.

Best wishes,

Thanks for replying, I really appreciate hearing your experiences and will let you know how I get on at my next appt.

Jane, I hope your “noodles” are well !

Thanks for replying, I really appreciate hearing your experiences and will let you know how I get on at my next appt.

Jane, I hope your “noodles” are well !

Best Wishes
Rachel x