Our Lovely Moira

You will be missed Moira… This is very sad news, I read Moira’s posts and enjoyed her Aussie sense of humour. She sounded like an amazing women. My love and condolences go to her family and friends.

love Lara xx

Message from BCC research team Dear forum members

i have been asked to post this message in memory of Moira


Breast Cancer Care


We have heard today - the very sad news that Moira has passed away.

Eleven of us met Moira only a couple of months ago, at the first training day meeting of a new research user group being estblished by Breast Cancer Care. We were all struck by the tremendous positive energy that Moria brought to our first training
days. I think we all recognized in her, a determination to try and find a way to stay well, and applauded her courage and conviction.

I know from my personal time with her, that she will be missed by the team, and we hope that this message will let all those who knew her well that she was near and dear to us, even after such a brief meeting.

We pass on our deepest sympathies to all Moria’s family and friends.

Best, Debbie

it wont be the same i too felt i needed to post,
Myself and lynn were with Moira last night and she passed away shortly after we left her.
it was the most heart wrenching thing i have ever done, leaving the hospital knowing that it was the last time i would ever see her.
She is the most inspirational lady i have ever met, she has changed my life and was always there when any of us needed her.
Moira - i’m gonna miss you so much, especially the wicked humor and i hope you knew we were there, the kittens new name will be Moira, just for you hun, i think you heard that last night!
i really dont know what else to say except you have touched so many lives, and i agree with Kate, we will toast you with some Aussie wine (or dare we try champagne) ans pavolova on sunday, i know you’ll be there with us (u promised!)
Will miss you always
Claire xx

So sorry Although I never had the priviledge of meeting Moira, as I am only just starting out on this journey, I know she helped so many people on this site.

My heart goes out to her friends and family at this very difficult and truly heartbreaking time.

Love to all, especially the gobbygang,


So sorry I am so sad that Moria has passed away…i often read her posts,which were brilliantly written…she sounded a amazeing lady…

sorry you have lost your lovely friend…

she will be truly missed by all on this forum…


Such sad news. Thinking of Moira’s family and friends and of course
the gobby gang.


So sorry to hear about Moira, she was an inspiration to all of us and will be greatly missed.

My thoughts are with her family, boyfriend and all the Gobby Gang members.

Lynn x

So sorry Thinking of Moira’s family and friends at this very sad time.

Jo x x x

Will miss you Moira Dear Moira

I tried so hard to keep a brave face when visiting you on Friday and like Claire said it was heart wrenching walking out of the ward. You didn’t wake while I was there and I didn’t have the heart to disturb you, I hope you did manage to read my card and note, I re-labelled it to sleeping beauty.

Today the tears have come and tonight I have been soppy, I pulled up Lynn’s e,mail with our Exeter photos, the start of the Goddy Gang. I still can’t quite beleive that we were all still e.mailing and posting only 4 weeks ago.

As others have said you had the abiltity to understand, help and make us laugh out loud with your wonderful views and replies. You are one very exceptional lady whom I will always cherish and feel privileged to call a friend.

Good night Moira, sleep well

Love to you, your family and friends


Our Dear Moira Moira, My dear friend
What can i say about you that hasn’t already been said by so many before me. You will be missed so very much by so many. Your quick wit, extensive medical knowledge, your humour, your friendship and all of the help and support you have given me are things i will always value and treasure. You were my inspiration and always showed such courage and wisdom. No matter what was happening with you, you took time out to help so many of us and i will always be grateful.
To Moira, her family, her boyfriend and the Gobby Gang, my thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. I am so glad that your family and friends were with you and that the end was peaceful.
I am raising a glass to you tonight and toasting you.
Rest in peace my friend, You will be forever missed
love ya loads

Donations - Flowers… Would anyone know if Moira would have wanted donations made to a cause close to her, in her memory or whether it would be possible to send flowers.

There are some I know who would like to honour her memory and celebrate her life.


so sorry I am so sorry and very sad to hear the news about moira , she was such a lovely lady and i cant believe it .
so sorry , condolonces to all her family and friends .

Moira So, so sorry - my thoughts and prayers are with Moira, her family and friends, especially you, Gobby Gang. You are such a special support network. Moira’s wit, black humour and courage are such an inspiration. Keep on going - she will be there with you. You are an inspiration too.

For Moira,

It was my very great privilege to know Moira and then to meet her family and discover that she is even more wonderful than I thought!

She was too modest to tell us about all of the amazing things she has accomplished in her life but we all know what a steadfast and generous friend she was. I am so sad that you are gone Moira and I am angry and confused. But, by knowing you I learned about the great and astounding beauty of a person with fierce intelligence, deep insight, boundless resources for kindness and the funniest and most honest take on the absurdities and unfairnesses of life.

What a woman, I miss you - all my love and prayers to your family and many many friends. I wish I could do justice in words to you Moira. I want to tell you that losing you has made me so sad but knowing you has shown me that some very special people have the power to enrich the lives they touch and teach people about goodness, not the pious kind of goodness, but the real and honest will to look after people. I’ll never forget the kindness you have shown me.

Love always


I have just read the very sad news about Moria passing away my condolomces go out to all her family and friends and to all who new her on here.
Love Clairemm x x

so so sad I didn’t know Moira, but I followed the Gobby Gang thread frequently. I just wanted to say how sorry I am, I read her posts and she always amused me with her wit and i just think it’s so very sad.
Love to all the gobby gang and to Moira’s family and friends. x

Donations Moira’s family have asked that donations are made to FOCUS which is a charity linked to the hospital where she was treated. i’m trying to get full details about this and will post it when I get the full details

Have just returned from Florida having been there for past three weeks, I was very shocked to read that Moira has passed away, what a fab personality Moira had, I will miss her witty postings, she was one of the first people to reply to my original post back in Aug 06 and for that I will always remember her. If her family read this - please be proud of her and remember she has touched a lot of our hearts over the past few months.

And Moira if you can read this from cyer space - I hope you are at peace God Bless x

Clare (S)

I am so sad to hear of Moiras passing, my thoughts and prayers go out to all of her family, friends
I never had the privelage of meeting Moira but ‘’ spoke’‘’ to her via e-mail, she lived in the same area as me and was treated at the same oncology centre, she was a very strong person especially her personality…which will be sadly missed.

God Bless Moira
