Our Lovely Moira

Our Lovely Moira

Our Lovely Moira Hey all

Just to let you know Moira passed away this evening.

Her family were with her and she was very peaceful

Lynnc xxxxxx

Dear Lynn Thanks for letting us know. I am glad that the end was peaceful. It is still sad, though. I will keep her family in my thoughts and prayers.

Best wishes,


I can’t bring myself to write this in the past tense…

Moira you rock, and I hope you are kicking back somewhere up in the clouds, with a big old glass of wine and millions of kittens.
I will really and truly miss your friendship and wicked sense of humour.

x x x x x x

Oh I didnt see this thread before I posted…

she will always be the most faboulous one to me


I feel so priviledged to have known Moira with her wicked sense of humour and gained so much from her . Not only the invaluable informed medical info she gave me but also from the black sense of humour including what to say to people about being terminally ill. I have used these lines frequently in recent months but not to the stunning effect that she could muster.
It was an honour to be with her and her family, friends and boyfriend this evening when it was clear that the end was so near. They very kindly let me have a few minutes on my own to say goodbye to my mate and I appreciated that so much.
Moira - I’m sure you’re now in a better place with all the red wine, kittens, carrot cake, banoffee pie, chocolate and pavlovas you could possibly want.
i will miss you so much - you were one of the first people to contact me after my disastrous pathology report in Sept 05 and we always kept in contact. Life will not be the same now.
You will always be to me a fabulous woman.
Kate xxx

Condolences On behalf of everyone at Breast Cancer Care, our sincere condolences go out to Moira’s family and friends at this very sad time.

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

my thoughts are with you all I’m so sad to log on this morning and read this news…

Moira made a big impact on these forums and will be missed greatly… i used to enjoy reading her postings and she never failed to make me laugh with her witty personality…

My thoughts are with her family, boyfriend, friends and all the gobby gang…

Rest in peace Moira… you will be sorely missed…

Love Jakki

Just wanted to add my condolances. I’m sure Moira will be missed greatly by all who knew her. I hope she is in a much better place now.
Carla x

Such sad news. My thoughts are with Moira’s family and friends.
Claire x

Very sad this morning to have read this. My thoughts are with her family, friends and of course the gobby gang who had the privelege of knowing this wonderful lady.

Lorri xx

what a fabulous woman I only knew Moira through the fantastic Gobbygang threads…you all know what an ageing groupie fan I am.

It seemed to me that Moira lived her life with cancer with all the wit, integrity, realism and sock it in your face courage it is possible to muster.

I think in this crazy cancerworld we each find our own stars…we pick up bits of inspiration from each other to help us with our private lonely struggles. I reckon Moira picked up her inspiration from you fabulous younger women just as you did from her. Thats what support is really all about.

I hate fighting metaphors in general but there are too many young women dying of this dreadful disease and somehow we have to fight for the right research so that the next generation of young women do not suffer as this one is.

My thoughts are with Moira’s family and friends at this so sad time.


So sorry - she will be missed I would like to offer my condolences to all of Moira’s friends and family. I was lucky enough to meet her at the User Reference Research Panel (of which she was a member) and she was a fantastic, witty and friendly lady. I will contact the other members to tell them this sad news.

I will greatly miss her posts (I always kept an eye out for them).


Such sad news. Moira received so much support from you all here I am certain that was of great comfort to her.

My thoughts are with her family and all her friends.

Love Twinkle xoxo

I am sorry, what sad news. Thinking of Moira’s family and friends and all of her friends here.
Belinda. xxxx

Really sorry to hear of the sad news of Moira’s passing. Judging by the amount of replies to this thread already, she was clearly an inspiration to many and having briefly met her in the past, was such a strong vibrant character. My thoughts are with her friends, boyfriend (even if he was RB, as she once told me!) and all of her friends, including the gobby gang at this difficult time.
Lisa x

Dear Lynn, Kate and all the Gobby Gang,
My thoughts are with you all and to Moira’s family and boyfriend. I couldn’t get Moira out of my mind yesterday, she has been such an inspiration to so many people. It’s probably not much comfort but I am sending all of you my love and I am so glad that her family and friends were with her and that the end was peaceful. You had the privilege of knowing her so I can’t imagine how you must be feeling at the mo.
I am going out for a meal tonight and I will be toasting Moira. I didn’t meet her but I felt I did.
Take care all of you,

I just wanted to write and say how much I will miss this lovely lady. I first met Moira through the BCC site about 18 months ago and then in person on about four occasions. I am pretty sure that things were worse for her than she ever let on and so am glad that she ultimately passed away surrounded by friends and family.

I’m enormously upset that she will not get to throw the huge 40th birthday party she was planning and so I’ll make sure to be out somewhere glamourous that night with a cocktail next to me and a smile on my face. I’m sure there will be many others on both sides of the world doing the same.

Moira, you are loved and missed.



Will miss her posts and thinking of gobby gang and how you will miss her too.Kate so glad you could be with her. Love Eileen

Very Sad News Indeed! Wish I had the honour of meeting Moira.

Reading other peoples posts have been really touching. Sounds like she was a huge inspiration and will be very sorely missed.

My heart goes out to all her loved ones.

Love, Michelle x