Our Someone Like Me service

Hi everyone

We wanted to remind you that through our Someone Like Me service we can arrange for you to speak with another person who has been through a diagnosis of primary breast cancer.

If possible, we’d do our best to find a man who is similar to you in their treatment and diagnosis.

You can reach the team by calling 0800 138 6551, emailing someone.likeme@breastcancernow.org.uk, or through our online form: Someone Like Me telephone support



I’m not a man.

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Magl :heart:the someone like me service will tailor the person you speak to, to suit you :heart: they will never put you in a position of speaking to anyone you wouldn’t feel comfortable speaking to, please do phone the number and let bcn help you :heart: that’s what bcn is all about :heart: support, kindness, compassion, understanding :heart: here for you as much or as little as you need :heart:all in your own time :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx