Is it just me or do you get pooped just climbing the stairs… I feel like I am 88 instead of 38!
Hi Babyboo
Oh yes… sometimes I feel around 100!
Cecelia. x
Glad it isn’t just me then…sometimes it feels a strain going for a walk!
Yes, lead legs.
It’s hard sometimes, it’s not tired exactly just sooooo heavy!
Cecelia. x
I have just had my last FEC last week and I now feel 108. I am staggering like an old lady. I have been making a point of walking to the shop everyday to get a paper - a round trip of less than a mile. It now feels like climbing Everest. It can only get better!!
Sharon x
Not just you Babyboo - two flights of stairs and I’ve gotta sit down to catch my breath…LOL
Anneli (44 and feeling 88)
Thank goodness - I thought it was me!!! And I only had one treatment!!
Ha ha!
I’m 35 and yesterday was telling my boyfriend that we need to install a ‘Stanner Stair Lift’ asap!!! I was virtually crawling up the stairs yesterday. I’d had chemo, and what with all the IV fluids and the water I insisted on drinkin by the bucketful when I got home, I was needing the loo every 5 mins! Oh how I wish we had a downstairs cloakroom!! So, told OH I need a stair lift or a commode!!!