Hi all
Havent posted for ages but read a lot of the discussions.
I am 42 had invasive ductal carcinoma which had spread to my lymph glands. Had 6 cycles of chemo and 25 rads which ended on Christmas eve. Returned to work on Jan 7th. Was doing ok but this last fortnight have been very tired and wondering if i went back to work to soon, altough you cant live on fresh air .
Also i keep getting out of breath when climbing stairs and if i walk a bit faster than slow.My husband is having a go telling me i should tell someone but i dont feel it is constant enough yet.
Any suggestions.
Hi Jackie
If you wish to discuss this further with one of our specialist nurses please feel free to call our helpline on 0808 800 6000 which is open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm and Sat 9am-2pm. Alternatively you can use our ‘Ask the Nurse’ service whereby you can email your query in to the team, you will find this service under the ‘Support for you’ tab at the top of this page.
Kind regards
Hello Jackie - sorry you are feeling so out of breath - i am too after finishing 20 rads end of january.
I wasnt expecting any side effects apart from the onc saying i might have a dry cough (am an ex smoker).
I went throught the rads ok although i also had my mum in hospital and did the daily visits at the same time and thought i was coping pretty well.
However, since its all over, i have become really tired, (the bonus is i am sleeping at last), but i cant get showered or go to the top of our stairs without getting short of breath.
I hoped i would see the onc to ask him about it at my last bisphosphonate treatment but he was too busy to see me.
So, possibly its a regular side effect but i think we should both ask about it at our next review.
So hubby is right as usual! take care, biddy x
I sailed through my treatments - bi lateral mastectomy, chemo and rads and wasn’t tired at all. I finished the last rads in November and in the last couple of weeks feel I had hit a brick wall and was just exhausted. It is slightly better now, but I think I might have overdone it. I am certainly more tired (and sleeping as you say!) than I was all last year!
Hi Jackie
I felt like I could have written your post. I finished Rads in Jan no apparent side effects but as soon as I go for a walk or hurry to catch a bus I have problems with shortness of breath so have not been able to walk my dogs far. I am not due to see Onc. till May and dont like to bother my GP. I had a clear CT and Bone Scan in Dec. so am not worried but it is reassuring to know others are having the same problems.
Hi all,
I was very, very out of breath last summer after finishing 4 cycles of Taxotere, 3 of those with Herceptin. I was also in hospital at the finish with no immunity and a bad chemo burn to my hand. Pretty much all the way through Tax I had been confined to bed so wasn’t getting any exercise. The breathlessness used to affect me going upstairs, I would get to the top 2 out of 14 and be struggling. I also went for a seaside walk with my husband one day and had to walk up a hill. I could not get up there due to my lack of breath and had to shout after him for help as he was away without me! It took me until about late October before I started feeling a bit better again. I used to be a light smoker and didn’t wheeze like that. I have read that some of the treatments for BC can make you out of puff for a bit.
Hi, i have just completed chemo and am waiting for surgery. I have kept walking but the fatigue level is now getting more restrictive, am dreading rad as I am already frustrated with tiredness so it will be hell when i get even more tired? Anyone living in sheffield fancy starting a gentle strolling group to have company during walks?