Ovarian cancer or menopause

I was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2020 and I’m now currently on kadcyla and goserelin (Zoladex). But my oncologist had to do another hormone profile test for me because I’m still bleeding. It’s nearly every day but very light. The test showed that I’m still pre menopausal and that the implant isn’t fully suppressing my ovaries. But now for the last week, I’ve been having stomach problems, it feels tight and full of air and it feels like it stretched and sore. It’s not constant but it happens a lot. Others have said they think this is to do with treatment, hormones or peri menopausal.  I’ve stupidly googled all of my symptoms and it says about ovarian cancer and I know the risk is higher if you’ve had breast cancer too. Can you feel this way with the menopause or treatment? I’m just really scared

Hi Amy1988

We want you to know that we are here for you - we’re so sorry to hear that you’re feeling worried and scared about your symptoms. If you would like to talk things through, our nurses can offer support, information, or just a listening ear.
You can post a question in the Forum’s Ask Our Nurses board, or if you prefer to speak to them on the phone, you can call them on freephone 0808 800 6000.

Sending you my best wishes  :two_hearts:

@Amy1988  - I’ve just seen this post and wondered how you are feeling, and really hoping that the symptoms you have described have gone, or that your doctors have reassured you? A while ago I saw a post where someone cleverly described the fear that lurks as a “fear goblin” that rears its ugly head from time to time, and never totally disappears. I wanted to send hugs to you and I’m here if you want to chat anytime. Evie xx