Today I had meeting with gynae following on from scans showing a persistent cyst. I was referred by my oncologist and appointment came through within 2 weeks, which freaked me a bit. Wasn’t really sure what it was all going to be about so was a bit bemused when he said they would remove cyst, ovaries and tubes to decrease any risk, either from ovarian or recurrent breast cancer. I was dx 2 years ago with grade 2 and some node involvement. Had tax, fec, also on Artemis trial, mastectomy, node clearance, 20 rads and tamoxifen, strongly er+. CA125 marker is normal.
I’m just not sure about all this, I have agreed to op as it will stop the incessant worry I have but would like to hear from others experience of this. Surgery will be keyhole so not major.
If anyone could let me have their experiences I would be really grateful. Not urgent surgey, normal 12 week turnaround,
i had my ovaries out two years ago and hysterectomy as i carry brca 2 gene which means i have increased risk of ovarian ca.
i was going to have just ovaries out by keyhole but then opted to have a full hyst so had it by open surgery. I was 42 at the time… Family history if ovarian ca at age 45 so thats why i decided on that.
having ovaries removed before cancer is thought to cut the risk of BC in half but not sure of its benefits after you already had BC.
I get mental hot flushes… They started about two days after my op but they arent life threatening so i jut wear lots of layers to whip off and on.
Sorry not much help but good luck with your op xx
Thanks Lulu34
Think it reduces risk of recurrence as I was strongly eostrogen +ve. There is no concern that I carry the brca gene as there appears to be no family history. The main reason for removal seems to be the fact that i have this cyst and have already had bc. Ultimately, i trust the docs and that they are doing this for my benefit and as Ov is difficult to diagnose it can only be good, just wish I could see into the future to see if its really necessary.
I also had my ovaries and tubes removed because I have the BRCA2 gene mutation which was found only after I was diagnosed with BC last year. I was 42 when my ovaries were removed a year ago. I think your age is a big factor here because you are going to go into surgical menopause, with all the side effects that that brings. The op in itself was really minor in the end, and I felt fully recovered after a week. The hot flushes are horrible. Vaginal dryness and risk to bone health not great either but there are things that can help. Personally, I’d put up with a lot to avoid having cancer again.