Over 60s.

Over 60s.

Over 60s. I was told when my Breast cancer was diagnosed just before Christmas that my daughters need not worry as BC in the over 60s is not heredity, has anyone else heard this?



Dear Val Below is the link to a factsheet published by Breast Cancer Care which may help you to understand more about breast cancer which runs in families and may help to answer some of your questions, you can read it online or download and print a copy:


You are also welcome to contact the Breast Cancer Care helpline for more information on 0808 800 6000 which is open Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

Kind regards
Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Val I was 68 and also thought and was told it was old age stuff. Woke up with a bang when daughter got it at 46.
The dept of clinical genetics checked up our info and said we were low risk- which doesn’t allay my fears about other daughter and 5 grand daughters.
The only thing I can do is to keep them up to the mark about awareness and pray- do a lot of both!
Best wishes, dilly

I need to be monitired and see genetic counsellor Hi Val,

My mum was diagnosed with bilateral breats cancer at 66 and myself and my sister need to be monitored and have genetic counselling/testing - Although I do think that is beacuse it was bilateral.

Ask your GP

i wasn’t lucky Val my my gran died at 32 of bc ans secondary bone cancer, my mum got it a65 but luckily was caught early no node involvment so just mastectomy and tamoxifen for 5yrs. 10 yrs down the line she is fit and healthy’
I went though the change at 35 and my twin had full hysterctomy at 34 so we asked our gp if we could be screened earlier as our bodies were now that of a 50 yr old, was told not to worry. I was quicly sent for bone desity scans to make sure i i didn’t get osteoporosis which i did at 38 . Last august i was in so much pain with my back, ribcage and sternum that my gp sent me to see back assment nurse who decided to do x-rays that was i oct. in nov i woke up and my left breast felt like my milk had come in so off i went to gp who said i;ll refer you to breast clinic. Was seen on 4th of dec 2 tumours were found on the mammogram right at the front of the breast and deep where i would never have felt them myself, had to go back on the friday for core biopsy. went following week and was told sorry it’s cancer mastectomy needed.
Went in on 4th jan and kept asking surgeon if oain could be from bones he just said hhmph no. On day of discharge i mentioned it to his register who said let arrange a bone scan.
Upshot of this is not only do i now face fighting breast cancer i already have bone mets. Thanks to my gp who wouldn’t listen …
I am going to see a genetic person as i have 4 daughters who i want to protect from this Denise by the way i am now only 49 !!!

Thank you Ilovemymum, I will ask my Doctor. XXXX.

Hugs thumbelina.

I am so sorry to read about the difficult time you are going through.
You may have read another of my postings where I have said that I am getting severe pains in my legs, the Consultant and my Doctor both say it’s due to Tomoxifen, and Sciatica, but when I go for a check up on Thursday to see how the radiotherapy has effected my skin, I am going to insist on a PET scan.

Thinking of you and sending you lots of hugs, please keep us posted on how you are getting on.

Hugs Val. XXXX.

Hi Val and thanks for the best wishes same goes to you hun xx
Yes do kick up a fuss because if i hadn’t i wouldn’t have known about my bone mets as surgeon wasn’t remotely bothered.I would still be sitting here none the wiser but at least i’m now on biophosphonates with my chemo . I just wish docs etc would listen to us more after al who knows our bodies better than ourselves. please keep me updated.
Best wishes Denise xx