Hi, I was wondering if anyone else has had overies out at a similar age and how you have got on without any HRT etc? I was 37 when diagnosed last May I’ve had mastectomy and full lymph node clearance, Chemo and Radiotherapy. I was highly ER+ 8/8
I am due to have my overies out along with a full hysterectomy at the end of the month on 29th Aug. I am obviously worried of all the menopause things like hot flushes etc but what worries me the most are my moods and temper. So looking for some advise on how people felt after (good or bad) I have no idea what to expect.
Thank you xx
Hi WolfEE,
As you haven’t had a reply yet, you might like to chat to our breast care nurses about the possible effects on your mood after the surgery. You can reach them on 0808 800 6000.
I hope everything goes as well as it can on the 29th.
Take care,
Becca at Breast Cancer Care.