Overthinking of appointment

Hi, just need to let some stuff out of my head as its going round in circles. Also I’m tired today which never helps.
Got my 3rd appointment for a prosthesis. Bit of background, my 1st appointment was not enjoyable. Found the lady very overbearing and negative. Didnt like my bras or bra choice. Made me have a silicone one which i didn’t want and told me that was all there was. After leaving that appointment upset, talking to my breast nurse. I got another appointment with a different lady. Which was lovely and got a memory foam prosthesis which i wanted.
Sadly i have now changed size, gone down a size in my breast. So the memory foam is too big. After some convincing from family, i booked another appointment to go back and get this sorted.( Thats tomorrow)
Big issue is I have to see the original lady and second I’m going on my own.
I’ve written down what I want to say, taking the too large prosthesis and I a picture of another. But I keep thinking of the appointment going wrong, the lady denying me the prosthesis. And other very over silly happenings. I’m sure none of them will happen but its when you start thinking the worse could happen. Cant seem to switch it off.
Problem is when people pile on information or don’t stop talking. I just shut down and don’t process it.
I need to just say what I want. Be bolder.
Hopefully the lady might be different this time. If not I’m calling in my breast nurse to help. Feeling a bit calmer now i have typed it out.
Apart from now having a hot flush (from hormone therapy) Yeah. Also getting mild heartburn (from the bisphosphonates tabs) Yeah. :woman_facepalming:
Its never simple. :rofl:


Hello @mirkwood42_1 My mind does this as well and writing it down certainly helps . Sorry you had a bed experience with this lady but it sounds like you are well prepared and I hope it goes well xx

Hi @mirkwood42_1 thank you for sharing how you’re feeling. I am so sorry you’ve had a bad experience.

The forum is always here for your thoughts and feelings and as you say, writing things down can itself be helpful.

I hope tomorrow goes well, let us know how you get on :slight_smile:

Sending our warmest,

Hello Mirkwood42

Isn’t it funny how our mind works and hones in on one thing?

When you have your appointment, just say something like; “My boob has changed size so I’m here for a new one.”

Hopefully, it’s just a size change (ie no shape change) and you can get a smaller version of the prosthesis you have now.

However, if your boob has also changed shape, you might need a totally different prosthesis. So I am going to play Devil’s Advocate - do you want the best match you can possibly have in your new prosthesis? Or are you happy to make do, just so you have a memory foam one? The nurse you are seeing (I know she wasn’t that good with you) will have professional pride and want to do the best job possible.

If she does go all overbearing and negative just say something like that you are not 5 so don’t need to be spoken to like a child and you want some respect. Would be worth adding in a question of has she had a mastectomy so she can try to put herself in your shoes. Should shut her up!

You’ve not said how long ago you had the initial fitting. I went for a new one a few weeks ago after 3 years. OMG it’s a thing of beauty, so comfy and even I can’t see the difference between it and the real one. The nurse was so pleased it was such a brilliant match. The old was was close enough but even my untrained eye can see a huge difference.

Now the new one is a different brand and slightly different type of silicon to the old one. It’s so much lighter too. So much that I joked with the nurse that it’s now impossible for me to commit the perfect murder with it - I could’ve bumped off quite a few people by rotating the old one in a sock and letting go! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

The nurse also told me that in 3 years, the technology has moved on and prostheses have improved a bit.

My new one is a Trulife Silk Triangle. They have lots of different shaped ‘silk’ forms.

Please go with an open mind - just in case memory foam isn’t an option.

Good luck. Let us know how you get on.

Hi thanks for everyones postive replies.
The appointment went swimmingly, the lady was lovely this time round.
Gelbel, thanks for sharing your story and keeping an open mind helped. I set off saying just the memory foam one but after having a discussion of what I needed and didn’t like. As I dont like the feel of the silicone. She showed me a silicone one that has a cotton cover. That was an interesting take and also a lighter beaded one which could help in the hot weather. Which I struggled with the memory foam one ( keeps heat well). Ive now got a beaded trulife active one coming in the post. I never thought I would be so happy to have a boob coming in the post. :rofl:.
The lady also said dont worry if thats not right, come back as many times as you like.
It was a totally different experience.


So glad that it went well for you - I wonder why she was so unpleasant last time :thinking: xx

Wow sorry for late reply. Im not sure what change her attitude but i had mentioned it to my breast nurse and the secretary who books appointments so maybe she had been given feedback about it.
Anyway time has past and I’m likeing my new prosthesis with the beads in. Its so light but doesnt move and good for hot weather. I can forget its there now.

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That’s good to hear :smiling_face: xx