Pacitaxol success at last

Following a year of no hope and nothing working, various infections. On my 3rd Hickmas Line. I have now had my 4th taxol, which is having an impact on liver tumours and reducing blood counts significantly. I feel a whole lot better. Tummy area was very swollen, like being 9 months pregnant. Now a reduction of 20cm around the liver area. Still have weak upper legs so walking not great but that is manageable

Great news! I hope it’ll continue to bring great results for you for a long time to come.

What fantastic news for you, after what must have been an incredibly tough year lin6…And I’ve just read your EE combo is showing good results Angelfalls…so pleased for both of you…xx

excellent I’m halfway thru weekly taxol with herceptin every three weeks and my liver alp is down from 1900 to 115 which is in the normal range ,had ct yesterday so will see what the picture says soon.

Thanks, Belinda! xx