
has anyone done paclitaxel or capecitabine? i would be interested to know how it was…side effects, etc etc

Hi jusmejp

I’m still on my first cycle of Capecitabine and haven’t done Paclitaxol, but there are a few threads under the Secondaries: treatments and medical issues section with info from ladies that have more experience of them.

Hi jusmejp

Whilst you wait for the other users to reply with their experiences you may find it helpful to read the BCC fact sheets on capecitabine and paclitaxel as they give information on the benefits and possible side effects. If you would like to order copies or read these on line just use the links below:-

I hope you find these helpful.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

I am on Capecitabine and am on round 7 at the moment…just had my bedtime pills and have to eat first before I take them.
There are a few of us on the “Bone mets” threads who have been on this drug. I have been on this regime twice before. The first time I was on it they had to reduce the dose as I got very sore feet but now I am a smaller dose and am doing fine on it. It is a very do-able sort of chemotherapy. If you go to the left hand column you will see the title “Living with Secondary Breast Cancer”. Click on the second one and you will find lots of us there. Not sure if you are a bone mets lady but we are a friendly bunch and welcome any new peope who want to join us. If you have problems locating us, come back on here and I will look out for your reply.
Some ladies have been on this chemo regime for many years. Hope this chemo works wel for you too if you do start it. Val

I did 3 cycles of Capecitabine before switching to Taxol (Paclitaxel). I had dose no. 13 today and am feeling better on it than I did on Cape, plus I’m getting a great response from it whereas Cape didn’t really work for me. But of course we’re all different and as Val says, there are people who’ve taken it for years with very manageable SEs and excellent results. Unfortunately, we just have to try these drugs to see if they’ll work for us and how we’ll get on with them.

Capecitabine tablets are taken at home, so you’re not so tied to the chemo unit. If you feel ok on them, as many do, this means you can get on with life with fewer interruptions and may be able to continue working, going on holidays, etc.

Taxol is a more “traditional” chemo in that it’s administered by IV after first getting anti-sickness, antihistamines, steroids and another med to protect your stomach. All this goes into your veins each time (lots of us seem to do 3 weeks on, 1 off), so lots of people opt for a line or port to save playing “hunt the vein” each week.

Sorry this message has ended up being so long! I hope it helps, but if you’d like to PM me for more info, please feel free.

thanks for all your comments, it means so much to realise that u r not alone in fighting this desease…i am going to go with the taxol, with cold cap…will let u know how i get on xxx

Haya Jusmejp, I too am on Piclataxol, just about to have my second cycle. I felt ok, just a nit of muscle aches for a few days. Hair has all gone the cold-cap isn’t offered where I live, it’s sad because I had just grown back into some sort of a sytle after loosing it last January when I had FAC chemo.
We have a thread which is called “Starting Piclataxol, please can anyone help with tips & advice, feeling very frightened…” I don’t know how to send you the link-sorry. The thread is under secondaries/medical issues…
Take care and lots of love, lauraxx

Haya Jusmejp, I too am on Piclataxol, just about to have my second cycle. I felt ok, just a nit of muscle aches for a few days. Hair has all gone the cold-cap isn’t offered where I live, it’s sad because I had just grown back into some sort of a sytle after loosing it last January when I had FAC chemo.
We have a thread which is called “Starting Piclataxol, please can anyone help with tips & advice, feeling very frightened…” I don’t know how to send you the link-sorry. The thread is under secondaries/medical issues…
Take care and lots of love, lauraxx