paclitaxel starting next week


I’ve not used the forum (only once) thinking I could cope on my own! Had a good initial response from fulvestrant and abemaciclib but the second 3 month review showed liver tumour so starting paclitaxel next week. Apologies for getting in touch now asking about the effects but so anxious about how it will affect me and hoping someone here will help. Bought frozen socks from Amazon as the treatment centre don’t give these but the consultant is OK with me using them. How am I going to feel during the treatment and after? What can I expect and any tips please?

Thanks x


There is a Paxlitaxel Buddies thread under the Treatments and Medical Issues board.

This is current so lots of people to talk to .

Best of luck,

Angel Eyes x

I am new to the forum. Started Pclitaxel 5 weeks ago. I just get tired on day 2 and 3 after treatment. My hair is falling out slowly. Was offered cold cap, but first use it leaked and I decided thin/ no hair was not all that bad. Feet and hands find to date. I have 3 weeks treatment and a week off, then repeat. Good luck, hope all goes well for you. My oncologist says it is doing its job