
Shall start on Solpadeine soluble tonight and hope to ward off the dreaded headache or at least reduce it. Thanks again Dugsy for your support. Hope you are doing OK


Hello ladies,

All a bit quiet on here so just checking you are all ok!!

Sarcath - did the Solpadeine help at all? I had number 7 on Tuesday & headache terrible until today, but eased off now.
Pumpkin - was it number 10 for you this week? How are your bloods bearing up?
Wannee - hope SE’s bearable for you this week.
Annie - any more news on when you might be starting?

I’ve been suffering from aching joints for the first time this week, seem to be worse in the evening too. Other than that just knackered!!!
Ok just off to daughter’s parents evening - fingers crossed!

Love & hugs to you all,
Dugsy x

Hi Dugsy
Thank you for asking! When I went for the Solpadeine they offered me different versions one of which is the same as cocodamol and one like paracetamol plus ( paracetamol plus caffeine ) So I got both to ring the changes.
No 4 went fine but the SEs have gone differently - no headache until today - day 5 - all very strange. Just so so tired. Trying to decide which Solp to go with first. I can put up with most SEs - it’s just that pounding head ache which stops you doing anything. Hope yours keeps improving.
See onc on Mon as well as taxol no 5. Fingers crossed that it goes well!
Hope parents’ evening went well. Take care everyone

Hi All, not posted for wee while so just wanted to catchup.

It was number 9 this week Dugsy, had a scan on mond and get results next thurs, fingers crossed. Interesting to hear you and sarcath both say about the headache that lasts for days, i’ve had this for the last couple of treatments too.
Bloods are holding up fine, nurse commented that week that my platelts are great, actually higher than hers! normal range is between 150 and 400, mine are 310 and white cell count doing ok too.
Also starting to feel more knackered as the weeks go on.

Have any of you been gaining weight? I managed to stay pretty steady when on docetaxol but since starting weekly treatment have put on six pounds despite watching what i’m eating and getting some exercise most days, depressing!

Hopeyou are all doing ok.
take care pumpkin x

Hi Pumpkin
Can you let me know what you are eating to put on weight? I am trying so hard to fatten myself up a bit after losing nearly 2 stone and am not getting far. Half a stone is all after months of eating everything I can think of to put on weight. Having said that it’s not that easy when you just don’t feel hungry.
Obviously you are doing the right thing for your blood. WBC seem to drop a lot each time. We’ll see on Monday.
Keep up the good work

Hi, I had my first infusion yesterday. It went absolutely fine. I had my picc line in on Wednesday, so it was nice to have that ‘cleaned up’ as they don’t like to change the dressing until a couple of days afterwards. My Hb and platelets are pretty low, so I’m going back on Monday to have my line bled and to see if I need a blood transfusion, because of my low bloods I only had ¾ of the normal dose too. I actually feel better this morning (the morning after) than I have in a while. I don’t know if its because of the steroids etc they give you before infusion, but I’m enjoying resting easy. I wonder how long it takes for this chemo to kick in. My onc has told me if I’m still having pain in a few weeks time I’ll pause chemo for some radiotherapy but because of my bloods dropping it was important to get on with chemo straight away. This treatment will literally be saving my life – that’s the plan. It’s great to read on these threads the positive responses people have had from this treatment and my onc seems pretty convinced this will help me. I’m sure I’ll post again when I need SE advice.

Pumpkin, I definitely wouldn’t worry about your dietary intake, your obviously doing something right with your blood

Good news that you coped well with no 1. Yes 2nd day seems to be remarkably good and I’m sure as you say it’s due to the steroid so enjoy!
See Onc Monday and infusion no 5 so crossing fingers for good bloods.When on chemo before I’ve ended upon with transfusions and neutraphil injections.
Good luck to you Annie81

Hello everyone,
Just wanted to post quickly as haven’t been on for a week or so & going away for a few days today, so wanted to touch base before leaving!!!

Sarcath - how have your headaches been this week? Has the Solpadeine helped at all? I take Solpadeine Max, but think the Plus is quite good too. Did you say you had an appt with your onc this week? Hope that went well :slight_smile:

Pumpkin - is it today you get your scan results? If so, I have everything crossed for you & hope you will be posting some positive news later. Your bloods are holding up really well, which is one less thing to worry about - we do have enough other things to worry us! I sympathise with the weight gain - half a stone so far for me! It really depresses me, but know in the grand scheme of things it shouldn’t!! Have been trying to get out walking & on my bike a bit more this week, but sometimes the effort is too much!!!

Annie - glad your first infusion is done & it went ok. How have you found the SE’s? I too find the day after isn’t too bad & then crash for a couple of days!!! Did you end up having a blood transfusion? And how is your pain now? Really hope that is under control :slight_smile:

We are off to Evesham for a few days today, so I had number 8 a day early this week, to give me an extra day to recover before leaving. Have to say I’ve felt really shattered & not sure if that’s due to having it a day early & it being half-term, so maybe not resting as much. Bloods were fine, so that was encouraging. Anyway, just about to leave, so best go - looking forward to a change of scenery & some chillaxing!!!

Love & hugs to all,
Dugsy x

Quick post to wish you happy days away, Dugsy.
No 5 On Monday and saw onc who now wants to see me each week. Bloods were quite good but have been feeling dreadful yesterday and today - that headache is back and Solpadeine didn’t help and was sick! Feeling a bit better as day goes on. Scan after no 9.
Good luck to all with taxol!

Hi fellow taxers, posting with some good news from my ct scan, i previously had spots on my lungs as well as bone mets, the scan showed the spots on my lungs are gone and the bones look stable nothing new, onc also said that it is possible that it has made a difference to bone mets but that wouldn’t show on ct as my bones mets will still look active because i’m on chemo, so plans for a bone scan a month or so after finishing to get a more accurate report of what’s going on there. they also said they wern’t entirely surewhether the spots in the lungs were a response to chemo or were something insignificant to begin with, there was always some uncertainty about them, but to be honest i’m so relieved they have gone it doesn’t really matter to me.

I have a bit of a dilema now and would appreciate you thoughts on it. I have had 10 treatments so far and onc said it is up to me whether i want to continue for another couple or finish now as i already had four docetaxol previous to this. Part of me just wants to stop now and another part wants to carry on for another couple as i have managed ok and my bloods have held out really well and it seems to be working. I have till next week to decide. What would yous do?

Dugsy i hope you are enjoying your days away and are keeping well and not to many se’s to contend with.

sarcath i’m sorry your struggling a bit with treatment se’s and headaches, they can reduce it a bit if yu feel it’s too difficult, i had mine reduced by 10 percent as i felt terrible at first then had it put back up, i seemed to be able to tolerate it better after this.
with regards to the weight gain, the frustrating thing is i am not eating anything different to put weight on, i am actually watching what i eat very carefully and getting some exercise but to no avail, from what i can gather form nurses, onc and other wqomen on this, this is common, between the treatment and steroids, iget extra steroids each wek too as i have had reaction to both the tax and hercepti, so that prob doesnt help, i know is seems insignificant in the grand scheme of things but it does make you feel a bit crap about yourself when your clothes don’t fit.

Annie how are you getting on with your treatment?

Love to you all

Pumpkin x

Wonderful news from you, Pumpkin. You must be over the moon. Well done. You ask about going for more chemo. Difficult when you feel you have such good progress. With regard to having had docetaxel previously I had 3 FEC and 3 docetaxel as part of my primary treatment in 2007 and am now scheduled for 18 non stop taxol. You do seem to tolerate it well ( thinking of my horrid head and sickness by comparrison ) No one can tell you what to do apart from your onc though - I wouldn’t like to say!
Feeling a bit better today. What worries me is how I can’t eat when I feel bad and thus can’t gain any weight. I’m stuck at about a stone under ideal weight - so nothing fits for different reasons! I also get extra steroids due to a reaction on no 2 but they aren’t fattening me up. Overall I would think it was a good sign that you can put on weight and wouldn’t worry.
Good luck to all!

Hello ladies,

Thanks for letting us know your good news Pumpkin - you must be so relieved that the poison is working for you!!! And encouraging for the rest of us - makes me want to keep going, despite it being such hard work sometimes. In response to your question about carrying on - I think if it was me I would do a couple more, just to really kick the b**ger into touch! You seem to be tolerating it well & your bloods are bearing up, so perhaps worth keeping going? However, as Sarcath has said, only you can make that decision. Do let us know what you decide to do.

Sarcath - sorry to hear you have been having a tough time with SE’s. Are you feeling a bit better now? Like Pumpkin said, it might be worth discussing a decrease in dose, or even one week off, to recharge your batteries?

Annie - hope you are doing ok? Are you going for number 2 this week?

Joanne/Wannee - how’s things with you? What number are you on now?

We’ve had a lovely few days away & the weather has been gorgeous for late Oct. The colour of the trees was beautiful. I’ve really found this week a struggle though - very tired, really foggy head & terrible taste in mouth. My recovery each week seems to be taking longer & good days are getting less :frowning: Also feeling in tips of fingers is getting worse & I keep dropping things - a sausage casserole in the bottom of the oven the other day!!! It really frustrates me & I feel like I’m very short tempered at the moment!! Mind you that isn’t helped with my scan & results looming next week - I really struggle to cope at these times :frowning: What a long couple of weeks lie ahead!!!

Good luck to you all this week & a big hug,
Dugsy x

Eeeeeee hello (as we say in the North East) (yes really!!). Haven’t been on for ages - apologies, been to see Onc today after latest CT scan, nothing new to report really she said scan was no different to last time, she thought that was brilliant news and I was a bit upset it wasn’t better than that! Anyway, I’m having number 15 on Thursday then finishing next week with number 16 then they are putting me on exemestane, is it? A hormonal drug which stops the oestragen supply from adrenal glands (hmmmm new to me!) Hope this works as the tamoxifen and femara failed miserably. I’ve been ok on the taxol, except I was floored on saturday and sunday, could hardly move so just lounged around at home the whole time. Can also feel the tingling in finger-tips thing happening ever so slightly but will put up with that aswell for a few more days. Oh yeh, and the oral thrush - yuk!!!

Pumpkin - I would do a few more if you can. Great news with the scan results but its horrid waiting for them isn’t it?

Dugsy, hope you are bearing up. Mmmm sausage casserole sounds lovely. I’m off to the kitchen.

Love and good wishes to all, keep up the good work xxx

Hello all,

Writing this in bed, as been for number 9 today & feeling the usual wiped out! Number 9, that’s halfway! Down to single figures now - that seemed like an awful long way away when I started on number 18! Just need my scan next week to give me some positive news & not more progression :frowning:

Wannee - good to hear from you! Sorry your scan didn’t show more improvement but stable is wonderful! Long may it continue for you :smiley: My onc is putting me on Exemestane after the taxol is finished (providing I’m stable after the Taxol), so it’ll be interesting to see how you get on with it. Do keep posting on here won’t you? Good luck with the last two, you seem to have tolerated it quite well.

Hope everyone else is bearing up. Pumpkin, have you decided what to do about any more taxols? And Sarcath, how are you feeling? Hope your headaches have eased & you’re feeling less yukky.

Love & hugs,
Dugsy x

Hi Dugsy
Thank you for asking! Better this Wed than last when my head was pounding - more just muzzy today but totally wiped out. This seems to be the pattern - OK on day of chemo, Ok next day then comes Wednesday ----. But I am managing. Just don’t do anything today. Feet dead and fingers going very funny - as you say - keep dropping things and typing wrong letter. Clumsy really.
Re Exemastane - I was put on that when Femara failed and after a month tumor had grown noticeably so was put on 18 taxol but told to keep taking the exemastane because it was often slow to take effect. Hoping the double whammy might shrink the monster!
Well done Dugsy on reaching half way - I’ve just got to a third of the way and feel quite pleased with how I am coping, all things considered.
Good wishes to all

Hello ladies, was just catching up with your posts. glad you all seem to be doing ok.

wanee I’m sorry you results were not as good as you hoped but stable is still a realy good result.

sarcath i’m glad your headaches are a bit more managable, i know what you mean about se’s following a predictable pattern.

Dugsy i hope you are feeling better today and good luck for your scan next week, how long will you have to wait for your results?

well it looks like i won’t be having any more tax, i went for it yesterday and twice had a reaction!! even with extra steroids. Chemo nurse said maybe that’s my body’s way of letting me know i’ve had enough. she said if i can’t tolerate it with that amount of steroids then it’s time to stop. They say i have had more than enough because i had 4 docetaxol before it. will continue with herceptin and see onc in couple of weeks to talk about hormone therapy. Glad to be finished.

will keep posting on this thread to see how you are all doing.

love to you all

Pumpkin x

Well Pumpkin that sure decided that for you but it sounds as if you are doing well anyway so keep up the good work.
I have a scan next week too - that will be after no 7. I think someone suddenly realised that they hadn’t got a baseline scan for comparison - last scan I had was 3 months before starting chemo and the monster sure grew in that time. From feeling it I am hoping it has got a bit smaller. Only time will tell and I am trying to be optimistic.
Hope to hear continuing good nes from you Pumpkin and thta you are still coping OK, Dugsy. Headaches not so bad this time by the way.

Hello all,

My chemo foggy head is starting to clear so thought it was time to post again!!!

Sarcath - glad to hear your headaches have been better this week. I’m sure you feel you can cope better if your head isn’t throbbing! Have you found any painkillers that work better, or is it just that this week they aren’t as bad? What day is your scan & when are results? Will be thinking of you & praying all is well :slight_smile:

Pumpkin - sorry you had trouble with last treatment, but like Sarcath said it takes the decision out of your hands & perhaps your body really had had enough! Enjoy resting & recovering for a while. Did you say you will be starting on Exemestane? Fingers crossed that carries on the good work of the chemo for you. Do keep us posted on how you are doing.

Wannee & Annie - hope you are both ok :slight_smile:

I haven’t felt as bad this week as I did last week - tiredness not as bad & headache not as bad. Still get 2 or 3 days of foggy head, which is finally clearing today. Also, noticing numbness in fingers & toes, so guess that’s getting worse. Scan on Monday Pumpkin & results Thursday. Having some reflexology done on the Weds to try & keep me calm!!!
Went to the firework display at my son’s school last night which were amazing - perfect weather wise too, calm, still & clear. Chinese & X-Factor tonight!

Good luck next week & hugs to all,
Dugsy x

Hi Dugsy
Scan is Wednesday - no idea when results might be available. They are scanning abdo, pelvis and lungs.
As for the headaches I’ve found paracetamol plus better than paracetamol alone. I shall never touch cocodamol again, it made me so ill! But that aspect has been much better this week. I seem to have more problems with feeling sick as time goes on. Anyone else find this?
I have the feet and hands problem quite severely - I got it when I first had chemo in 2004. It got worse after more chemo in 07 and is getting worse again - feet worse than hands. What we put ourselves through to fight this evil disease!
Good luck with your scan and results