
Sore throat while on taxol
Just wondering what happens if you have a cold or sore throat on chemo day? I hope it won’t be a problem - I think my throat is getting sore tonight. No thanks!!

Hi Sarcath,
Providing your bloods are ok they will go ahead with chemo. Hope you feel better in the morning - spend tomorrow resting if you can. A day reading or watching a DVD sounds heaven to me!! Think of me at 10am taking my son riding - at least it’s not freezing yet!!!
Take care,
Dugsy x

Hi Dugsy
Thanks for the reassurance. It doesn’t seem to have developed much so probably yet another side effect. Hope you coped OK with the riding - it was a gorgeous day here, good to be outside.

Hi Ladies, just wanted to wish you both good luck for your scans this week and i’ll be hoping and praying you both get some good news!!
sarcath i hope your sore throat didn’t come to anything manage to get your treatment.

Dugsy how did the riding go? glad you didn’t feel quite as bad this week.
I think it’s letrozol i’ll be getting, although i’m not sure if it’ll be now, she did talk talk about maybe keeping that for later and just trying to see if herceptin will keep me stable for a while. i’m a bit worried about that approach as my cancer is strongly ER + and that seems a bit risky to me, she doubts i’m in actual menopause because of my age, so surely that means my body will still be producing oestrogen which is not good. will have to speak to her about it when i see her couple weeks. What do yous think of that?

I don’t know whats happened to me this week but have been feeling absolutely awful since my failed chemo attempt on thurs, yesterday was the worst, feeling dizzy, nauseaus, and very tingly hands an feet, heart racing at points and feeling very anxious and agitated. i don’t know if it’s down to the two reactions or extra steroids or what but it’s the worst i have felt since it started even although i only got a tiny wee bit, i’m talking like 10ml, weird, did get my herceptin and zometa though but they don’t usually make me feel like that. feeling a bit better today but still not great.

Keep well
love to you all

Pumpkin x

Hello all,

Just wanted to let you know how my scan results went today. Well seems to be doing a great job, thank God!! Oncologist said she was really pleased with results. The fluid that was on my lung has now disappeared completely, also a lymph gland in my chest that was enlarged is now undetectable. Bones all mostly stable, except for a couple of areas that are a bit worse but she seems to think these will improve, so wasn’t too worried. And she’s talking of only doing one more cycle of Taxol (so 3 more weeks), starting on Tuesday, then keeping the rest in reserve for a later date if needed. So no chemo over Christmas!!! I can hardly believe it & have to say I went thinking that things had got worse & I’d have to change to another chemo & start again, so I was pretty much speechless!! And that takes a lot of doing! She’s suggested we make an appointment with the Prof at The Royal Marsden, who we’ve seen before for a second opinion, and see what he thinks about only doing one more cycle of Taxol. So we’re going to make an appointment with him for the next couple of weeks.

Pumpkin - I hope you are feeling a bit better. Sounds to me like the steroids? They can have some odd side effects, particularly if you’ve had more than usual. Have you ever had a Zoladex injection with hormone therapy? I hadn’t gone through menopause, as only 42, and I had to have these every 4 weeks when on letrozole as it shuts down your ovaries & put you in early menopause. If I go back on Exemestane after chemo I’ll still have the zoladex injections as well.

Sarcath - how are you doing this week? Hope the headaches are manageable .

Lots of love,
Dugsy x

Wonderful news Dugsy - you must be over the moon with your results. May I ask what kind of cancer your primary was - ductal or lobular?-looking for something to pin my hopes on. I am so pleased for you.
Had my scan yesterday but no results till I see Onc on Monday - at least I hope I’ll get them then! As far as I can feel for myself I do think and hope my tumor may have shrunk a bit.
Not doing too badly this week although I have had a sore throat and today a nasty cough and streaming nose. Hope that is gone for next Monday - I don’t want any interruptions! I didn’t mention the sore throat last week and haven’t had any problems other than the usual SEs. Headaches not too bad these last two weeks.
Pumpkin I do hope you are feeling better so you can enjoy the success of your chemo.
Thank you both for asking

hi ladies, i am looking for some advice for my sister who has secondary breast cancer to chest wall and bones. she also has a reoccurance. she has been having weekly taxol(3 weeks on, one week off) and is due to start her 5th cycle. my sister seems to become achy and develop flu like symptons and a temperature on her week off, usually the day before she is due to start her chemo again. she seems better when she is on her chemo. Has any off you ladies experienced this, or are not as well on your week off ? any advise would be great. Wishing you all well for your treatments and hope this chemo works VERY WELL for you all . love claire

I don’t have a week off - just 18 in a row. Others do get the break so I’m sure one of them will pick up on that for you. Good luck to your sister.

Hi all, just playing catch up with everyone’s news. Great news Dugsy with the scan results, hope you got the champagne out. I have mine chilling in the fridge as I had my last chemo yesterday and have minor hangover feelings today. I am chilling the champers ready for tomorrow night but quite honestly don’t really think I will fancy any of it, might leave it to chill for a bit longer so I can enjoy it! I am due another scan in a week or so followed by appt to see onc on 29th Nov before starting Exemastane.
Claire - I don’t have any weeks off either just doing one week after another. Has your sister mentioned this to the nurses who apply the chemo? I’m always told at the first sign of a temperature to ring them. I would get her to ring them or ask them their advice.
Sarcath - good luck with results on Monday, will be keeping EVERYTHING crossed.
Pumpkin - gosh hope you are feeling Ok after all those awful SE’s. I also get zoladex jabs to shut down ovaries and I’m going onto Exemastane which knocks off the oestrogen from the adrenal glands next.
I’m wondering if I’m going to turn into a bloke. Must be easier than being a woman xxxxxx

Hi all, just catching up with your posts,

Dugsy what fantastic news, you must be so relieved!! long may it last, like yourself i am looking forward to a chemo free xmas!
Yes i have had zoladex before when i was on tamoxifen, i’m only 42 too so not in menopause yet.

Sarcath i hope you are next for very good news on mond, i’ll be keeping my fingers crossed for you and please let us know.

Wanee it feels good to be finished chemo eh? good luck with your scan. I sometimes wonder if it would be easier being a bloke too!! Do you have any se’s from zoladex?

Hi Claire, like sarcath i didn’t have a week off in between treatments but i’m sure Dugsy did, maybe she can help. I would advise her to speak to her chemo nurse though and see if they can suggest anything. hope this chemo works well for her.

Love to you all
pumpkin xx

Dear all,

Thanks for all your kind words, it means a lot to know we’re all supporting each other through this difficult journey.

Sarcath - I have everything crossed for you today & hope you also get some good news to share with us all. My primary was lobular, what about you? Hope your cold is better & you’re ok for this week.

Wannee - yes I very much enjoyed my champagne! Well done on finishing your chemo! I do hope you managed to drink your champagne at some point over the weekend. Good luck with your next scan & starting the AI’s.

Pumpkin - I hope you are enjoying not having to have chemo & that you are starting to feel some energy return in time for the run-up to Christmas!

Claire - I have Taxol the same way as your sister, 3 weeks on & then a week off. Sometimes I do feel really tired on those weeks off, but generally due to trying to make the most of feeling OK & doing too much! I haven’t had flu like symptoms or a temperature, so I agree with the others in that she should definitely mention it. I hope she feels better next time & the Taxol does a good job for her.

I had a lovely weekend, just spent at home with hubby & kids. Think it took a couple of days for scan results to finally sink in - I just hope everything remains stable for as long as possible now, for all of us :-)Off for number 10 tomorrow & waiting for appointment at Royal Marsden with prof, to see what he thinks of me stopping after this cycle of 3. Will keep you all posted.

Love to all,
Dugsy x

Hi everyone!
Thank you everyone for your good wishes. No scan results yet and no taxol 8. Sore throat turned nasty on me and my temperature shot up so have spent Friday until today in hospital. The good news is that I am not neutropoenic but need antibiotics to counter this beastly infection but no chemo till next week when I have another appointment with the oncologist too - surely they will have scan results by then.

I was disappointed not to keep up the weekly taxol but guess a week off should not make much difference - or so the doctor says! Caught this from husband by the way - you can’t avoid them can you!?

Dugsy, mine is lobular too, so I am doubly encouraged by your good results. People do seem to respond well to taxol, don’t they?

Claire we are told a temperature of 37.5 twice running or 38 once and you should ring for advice immediately.

Pumpkin, thanks for good wishes and good luck to you.

Love to you all

Oh Sarcath how crap for you! Really hope you are feeling better & enjoying being back home. Rest up & you’ll be ready for action next week instead!

Take care,
Dugsy x

Hi all,

Just a quick post to report in after having Taxol number 10 today. Feeling pretty crap at mo - bloody awful headache, aching legs/knees & usual Piriton induced knackerdness (is that a real word? Not sure??!!!) Also had my 4 weekly Zometa infusion today, so that probably explains the acheyness. Didn’t need the 4 weekly chest X-ray that I had been having to monitor pleural fluid, as it’s now gone, so that was a bonus! Hoping for a good sleep tonight, as haven’t slept great these past two nights - no idea why. So currently in bed & might catch up with a bit of Jamie before lights out!

Sarcath, really hoping you are feeling a bit better :slight_smile:

Good luck to everyone this week & big hugs,

Dugsy x

thanks ladies for your sisters fbc was down this week, 8.6 so she has has a blood transfusion but still had her chemo, number 13.
dugsy, my sister also aches more when she has had her zometa, legs and knees. this usually lasts for 48 hours.hope you bounce back soon.
good luck and best wishes for all your treatments this week. take care claire x

sorry to hear you are suffering some nasty SEs again, Dugsy. It seems we can’t win, there’s always something else!
Feeling a bit livelier today - antibiotics taking effect, I guess, but am still planning a totally lazy week while off chemo hoping to build myself up for the next onslaught. Headaches are back but responding to paracetamol plus so not too bad. At least I only have the chemo, not anything more, apart from exemestane. I do hope you are soon feeling better, Dugsy.
Take care all of you


Thanks Claire & Sarcath - feeling much the same today & painkillers seem to be doing nothing for headache or aching knees & legs :frowning: Hoping like you say Claire, tomorrow will be better. Got appointment through for Royal Marsden for next Weds, which was nice & quick, then I’ll know for definite what next step of treatment is.

Claire - sorry to hear your sister’s bloods weren’t great, but after having the transfusion I’m sure she’s feeling much brighter & her next chemo should be better.

Sarcath - glad you are feeling a bit brighter. Like you say having a week off will do you the world of good but don’t overdo it like I have a habit of doing!!! Hope the headache eases off shortly.

Going to rest up for next couple of days before my sister, her husband & my little 8 month old niece come down for the weekend. There’s nothing like a little one to bring a smile to your face :slight_smile: !!!

Love & hugs all,
Dugsy x

Hello fellow taxol ladies!

Just wondering how everyone is at the moment? Coping ok I hope :slight_smile:

I’ve had a lovely weekend with my sister, brother-in-law & baby niece. Played lots of games with the kids, went to the park etc. Having taxol number 11 on Tuesday, then down to London Weds to see Prof at Royal Marsden. Will let you know how I get on.

Good luck to you all this week & keep well.

Dugsy x

Hello all
Glad you have had a good weekend Dugsy - great to have a distraction forom the chemo grind.
Good luck at the Marsden - I guess you get the best info etc there. I shall be interested to hear how you get on.
I thought I was going to enjoy my ‘week off’. Far from it! I have felt rubbish most of the time - falling asleep, that headache back, wobbly knees, sick etc. I am pleased to say that today at last I have felt human - ready for number 8 tomorrow - I hope. Scan results too I guess.
Hope everyone is doing OK

Hi Ladies, just a wee post to check how everyone is doing, good luck with your appointment at marsden Dugsy.

Sarcath you’ve had a bit of a time of it lately, how are you? did you get your scan results?

Pumpkin x