Pagets Disease

I am new to this site, just been diagnosed with Pagets and DCIS having mastectomy next Tuesday

Hi ginger
I was diagnosed with this and had mastectomy March 2010. The surgery was not as bad as I feared and I was fine. Have you been given a further treatment plan yet? You must be feeling scared at the moment and don’t know which way to turn, but you will get through it. Once you go into hospital you don’t really have time to think and it’s over in no time and soon back at home. I will be thinking of you. You can private message me if you prefer.
Big hug for Tuesday & good luck
Ami xx

thank you Ami, don’t know further treatment plan yet, having some nodes removed so have to wait for pathology results. hope to be home by weekend

Poor you, Ginger1, having to join us. I’m quite new here too - having an MX at the end of April. There’s a thread you might want to join of women having surgery in April:

Good luck.
x x