My sister had a mastectomy in August with reconstruction at the time (muscle/tissue from back). She is really struggling with pain in her back. She says it’s agony if anyone touches it. She took lots of painkillers after surgery and ended up with severe headaches and now is scared stiff to take any more. She says it’s unbearable to wear a bra for any more than 30 mins. I have been urging her to go back to see surgeon. Does anyone have any advice I could share with her?
She’s also unhappy with the way she looks/ feels. She says she feels the ‘lump’ under her arm doesn’t feel anything like a breast and wishes she’d not had the reconstruction.
Hi Maire. I’m afraid I can’t help, as I’m still deciding whether or not I want to go ahead with an LD flap reconstruction. I’m really sorry to learn that your sister isn’t happy with her reconstruction and is finding it painful. Thought I would post though, as you may get more response if my reply “bumps” you up the active posts. Five months is still early days, although I’m sure it doesn’t feel it when you’re in pain, and it may be that things settle down over time. Your sister has had a huge operation and there will still be a lot of damaged nerves. Hopefully many of them will be repairing themselves, and I know this can be quite painful. Could you persuade her to ring the BCC helpline and ask to speak to one of the nurses? They could help her talk through her options. I have used the service myself and found it helpful.
Hi Maire
. Sorry to hear about your sister. I had mastectomy with immediate LD reconstruction in February. i did suffer with back pain for a while but fortunately it settled. I dont know what painkillers your sister was taking but I found, paracetemol and ibrobrufen during the day and tramadol at night did help. She should speak to BCN to see what they suggest. Reference wearing a bra- I wore a really soft post surgery bra with front fastening from about 5 days post op- the back was very wide so didnt lay on the scar. Unfortunately her breast isnt going to feel as normal, so again talking through with nurse may help her. Saying all this, 5 months is still early days and everyone heals at different rates- dont forget the op was a very major one. Hope have been some help- hope things settle down.
Thanks for replies. I will suggest the helpline-good idea.
Hi Maire, I too had a mx and immediate reconstruction (LD flap), back in August. I was advised to wear a sport bra 24/7 by the plastic surgeon. I wasn’t too keen on the idea, but the body did adjust and to be honest feel more comfortable with the support than without. Regarding the back muscle, I can sympathise, at times it really does feel uncomfortable and extremely tight. But when this happens, I think it’s my body telling me to slow up and take it easy for a while. My surgeon said it will take 12 = 18 months to recover, so still very early days yet. The hospital don’t want to see me until Feb, but when i next go I am going to ask if I can have some physio treatment to losen the muscle. I also find when driving … turning the body to look behind very painfull, so I try and avoid it. Hope your sister improves and that recovery will ease her pain. Big hugs from Kathy xx P.S please advise your sister to do her exercises religiously as I find it helps. K x