Pain 6 years after implant

Hi, I’d be grateful for some advice. It’s 5 years since I had an implant only reconstruction and for the past year it has been a bit misshapen at one side. Recently it has gotten worse and now I get quite a lot of discomfort in the misshapen area. This is really quite annoying and saw my breast care nurse recently at my annual check up. She agrees it looks different anf if I still have the discomfort in a month she will send me for a scan. I’m not sure what a scan’ll show. As the implant still feels soft it can’t be encapsulation and modern implants apparently don’t cause this.

Anyone any ideas? Thanks.

Hi Wilosn_52

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Hi Wilson

You sound like me only I’m only 2 1/2 years down the line x

Did you get anywhere with your docs??
