Pain after breast reduction

Can anyone give some advice on pain after breast reduction.   I had this done nearly two weeks ago, and was told that dressings had to stay on until my check up appointment which is due on Wednesday.   First week not bad, but I was taking the painkillers given by hospital, but since Friday I’ve noticed a bit more pain - still taking paracetamol, but not full dose.    I wasn’t given any advice really at the hospital about what I could do and what I couldn’t so worried that I might have done more than I should?  Does anyone know how long its advisable to stay off work after this op?


I’m sorry to read you’re having a tough time at the moment.  You might find it helpful to give the BCC helpline a call and talk things through with a member of staff.  Here you can ask any questions you may have and share your concerns with someone who will offer you a listening ear as well as emotional support and practical information.  The number to call is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open weekdays 9 to 5pm and Saturday 10 to 3pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Hi there


I had breast reduction op in November and my breast was painful for some time.  Even now I get twinges occasionally.  I think that this is normal and would advise that you take as much time off work as possible.  I was seen by a physio who told me not to carry heavy things for at least 6 weeks after the op.  I was not even told this after the original mx.


Things do get better.  Regards Chris