Pain after portacath insertion

Hi, I had a port fitted yesterday and wasn’t prepared for how sore my neck and chest would feel afterwards. There’s no redness and I don’t have a temperature but I’m wondering if it’s normal for my neck to feel so sore. Just wondered if anyone else had a port fitted and experienced pain afterwards?

Hi @Rachyrach,
I had my port inserted in Dec and I remember being really sore afterwards. Mine was fitted under general anaesthetic so it is surgery and no wonder we feel sore. I think mine fully settled down after 1-2 weeks and then you don’t really feel it. Getting a port was definitely the best decision I made as I could ignore it and it didn’t really cause any issues with day to day living.
Take it easy for the next week and it should start to settle down xx

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Hi @Rachyrach, is your neck still sore? If there’s anything you’d like to ask our team of breast care nurses, you can find more info on how to do so in this link.

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