pain after rads

pain after rads

pain after rads hi ladies, i finished my rads just 12 months ago and have
suffered severe breast pain ever since, sometimes the
pain is so bad it is unbearable but at other times it
“background”, at the moment the pain is horrible and it
is making me very depressed and causing sleepless
nights. I have lymphodema of the breast and have had
intensives massage to alleviate the problem, but i
think that it is here to stay, I am trying to feel positive
but as you know at times it isnt always possible.
I had my lymph nodes removed, (no spread) thank
goodness, But the scar under my arm is so puckered
it as if some one has threaded a cord through it and
pulled it tight, i have quite a deep indentation which
is difficult to keep clean and fresh, i am of a certain
age andhave never had a problem with BO but i
am contantly checking just in case.
I had my first mammogram since surgery on the 15 Jan
and am still awaiting the results, i phoned my bc nurse
who assures me that if there had been a problem i would
have been contactedand that the reason several of us
ladies have not received our results is due to a “blip” on the admin side but its still worrying.
Sorry to sound so miserable but hopefuly there is
some one out there who can help.
luv to you all

Helpline It sound like you are having a rough time at the moment, you may find that the Breast Cancer Care Helpline can offer some support at this difficult time.

You can call the helpline on 0808 800 6000
Monday to Friday 9am-5pm and Saturday 9am-2pm.

They can talk through any worries you may have and I am sure they would be able to answer some of the questions you have.

Breast Cancer Care also has a successful Ask the Nurse Service for which I have posted the link below, they will be able to offer further support and advice:

I hope this helps and please carry on posting to the forums as I am sure you will find plenty of help and support here.

Kind regards

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