Pain and computers

I have got pain in my right breast, have had this before and it turned out to be nothing. It is gone when I get up in the morning but comes on again when I begin doing things. I have been using the computer mouse excessively over the last couple of weeks and am wonder if this could be the cause - also when I reach in a certain position it feels like something is tearing inside the breast. Could this be a form of RSI. The pain is a burning sensation which comes to a peak and then subsides. There is no evidence of any lump at all or any abnormality of the breast.

It could well be due to over use of the muscle in the area. I have scar tissue in my breast following my breast cancer surgery earlier this year and I find that certain activities cause it to be a bit tighter and slightly painful … my surgery was my right breast and at certain times of the month I use the number pad more excessively on the PC for example.

Get it checked anyways just to be on the safe side.

Hi Crehesal,
Hopefully it is nothing to worry about, but I had an odd pain in my breast when I went to gym and pilates, if moved to certain position, lifted arm above head etc, I assumed muscle pull, tried to rest that arm,there was no lump, two months later I put my shampoo ont op of the shower and it really hurt again, I felt an odd thickening not really a lump, I went to the doc and consultant and unfortunately I did have breast cancer. I was dx in July 07 and have just finished all my treatment, I am just on Tamoxifen for 5 years now.
Hopefuly yours is nothing but do go and get it checked out as liliacblushes says to be on the safe side. Dont worry if you been before and it clear def get checked again, better to err on side of caution.
Let us know how you get on
Take care
Dawn x

You are really scaring me - due to go on a cruise in three weeks for a fortnight - will go when I come back if it doesn’t improve - have got an open appointment at the Breast Clinic anyway as I am always there for something or the other - thing that’s bothering me is that it seems to be in an area where they called me back for a second mammo - consultant said he was almost sure it was a bit of breast tissue that had not changed quite as much as the rest of it and a second mammo and ultrasound showed nothing - she tried really, really hard to find something but couldn’t - just said if anything changes come back. Will go back after my holiday if pain still there.

It does sound like damage to me but the point is let them tell you that as they have all the funky equipment to rule out anything sinister.

Don’t worry about it but do get it checked and enjoy the cruise in the meantime, a couple of weeks isn’t a problem just don’t ignore it pretending it’s fine for months that’s all.


I didn’t mention that I have burning pain in both breasts but worse in the one where I have had two (non-cancerous) lumps removed. Is it safe to leave it for 5 weeks before getting it checked out?

And once you’ve got the wonderful all clear you can start to do some gentle excercises to stop the RSI developing if it is. As a programmer I had to deal with that about 5 years ago, not a problem now but most people don’t realise that the tendons in your fingers do stretch all the way through the arm, elbow and up into the shoulder so it is quite possibly related.

I’ll send you a link to the excersises my partner (also a computer worker) was told to do, he also doesn’t suffer anymore. A little stretching really does help… in fact OH just said that the cubital nerve runs down the rib cage… he thought he was having a heart attack at the time, these things can be scary, but still be safe not sorry, check it out anyway.

I’d think 5 weeks would be OK but I’d see your GP about it just in case and see if they feel a more urgent referal is needed. To put it in some context I found a lump just before new years eve, say GP 1 week later, breast clinic 2 weeks after that, Diagnosed with breast cancer end of jan and op end of feb so it was 8 weeks from finding lump to removal of cancer. Surgery was totally successfull as far as anyone can tell, these things don’t progress *that* fast usually. But your GP knows you and is qualified, none of us here can see or feel your symptoms so go see them.