Pain and purple marks


I saw my Gp this week due to pain in my breast. The pain is at the side of my boob towards my armpit and also on top of my breast. I have the odd pain in my right but nothing like my left. I have also had some purple marks on both breasts that change depending on how warm I am. At best they look like spider vains. But I’ve also noticed that one of the marks is almost a straight line to a smaller round patch but not joining up. My skin tone is patchy and I do get odd discoloured patches even on stomach and arms and I also have thin skin. Personally I’ve not noticed any skin changes but the purple marks and don’t feel there has been a change in size

I went to my Gp who examined me. She acknowledged the ‘discolouration’ on both breasts, made a mark about inflammation , no lumps found and said start of peau d’orange. She then brought up a picture of peau d’orange and commented ‘we don’t want to wait for it to get to this’. Gave me a 2 week referal and said nothing more. My Gp also noted our family history of breast cancer. The fact she discussed no other options my brain can only think of Ibc

My appointment is the 2 week wait and I’m so worried I am struggling to eat or sleep. The appointment felt so rushed and no discussions around her thoughts were given. My son is only 6 and I’m so worried I won’t see him grow up.

Hi @Cartoonkate
Sorry your in this position but it’s good you have the referral all are 2 week whether cancer or not , be good to get it all checked out and all the tests , I know the wait is hard so many things go through your mind , loads of people on this site says the same thing , there’s a helpline as well where you can talk to the nurses
Good luck and take care xx