Pain around collar bone after rads by geraldine45

Pain around collar bone after rads by geraldine45

Pain around collar bone after rads by geraldine45 I have posted this on behalf of geraldine45

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Forum Host
Breast Cancer Care

Hi Everyone

Has anyone else experienced this. I have just finished 20 rads, of which I had 15 to my collar bone as I had lymph node involvement. The space between my collar bone and base of neck, you know where the dip is, is very achy. The area also feels thicker and more fibrous than the other side. I am assuming that it is the rads that have done it as I know it can cause thickening to breast tissue and scar tissue. But I was wondering if anyone else had experienced this. Also I find if I have to do a lot of driving the seat belt irritates the area as well.

Hi Gerldine

I had 25 sessions last year, to chest wall. under arm, collar bone and base of neck.

I suffered swelling which was put down to fluid retention in all areas and still do (finished 2.10.07) although now not quite so bad, but still get the odd ache and niggle.

I am still having herceptin so still in regular appt’s with Onc and the above areas have been checked and prodded on many an occassion with no concerns.

Also If you have just finished then your skin may still be very sensitive so becareful with seatbelts and the sun. (I went in the sun this weekend thinking all would OK now and the rads part of my chest wall is suffering from prickly heat, yest I am not burnt or suffering anywhere else).


me too Hi Geraldine

Ive not long finished rads to the collarbone area, i had 25. I too have suffered with the exact pains that you have described in the same area. I was told that the area they were treating is very vascular and has lots of nerves so its most probably nerve pain, caused by radiotherapy damage. I was prescribed amitriptyline for this which works a treat although it completey zonks me out so i have to take them at night and i wont take them unless the pain is really bad.

Good luck



Mess for Debbie and Jakki Thank you both so much for your reply. It has made me feel sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much better. Funny you should say about the seat belt because I find wearing one makes the area really sore. We were away over Easter and I did all the driving as my husband cannot. We travelled about 400 miles over 3 days and it has been much worse since. So it is all making sense.

Thanks again
