Pain but no lumps?

Did you ever develop a rash? I have sharp shooting pains in my left breast I had a rash but it went away a rash that looked like dry skin was very itchy but now I get sharp shooting pains where the rash was did this happen to you?

Hi I’ve been having the same issues but my left breast and the side it’s so painfull on and off all day and night my doctor said it’s muscular aswell and told me to try evening primrose oil I’ve had a scan aswell but everythjng was clear x

Hi I’ve had severe pain in my right breast and under my arm. There was a large lump that a biopsy was taken that showed as all clear. However 5months later pain still severe EPO at 5000mg a day and high level of Nurofen painkillers and the pain is still there. I like you am scared and no one is telling me what it is that can cause such pain. I virtually cannot use my right arm. Tomoxifen was mentioned but never prescribed. Can’t sleep and stressed as had 2 extra wide incision in other boob both early stage but given all clear.

Hi Jacqui - that sounds really miserable - could you ask to be referred back to breast clinic for second opinion if things haven’t settled down after 5 months ?