I am new to this online talking lark so here goes. I had a lumpectomy and full nodal clearance on 3rd March.The leaflets only tell you 6 weeks recovery from op but after 3 chemos my underarm is more sore than ever, it is not swollen. The chemo nurses are very busy and while not unfriendly do not have time for chat. Is the chemo aggravating the arm?
Hi Alison
I had full clearance 3 weeks ago and I have ‘cording’ from my elbow up into my armpit and down to the scar site. I’m not sure what other symptoms you may be having however, ‘cording’ for me feels like a ‘piece of rope’ stuck in my arm and restricts raising my arm up into the air - some days are extremely painful and some worse than others and can also be painful without any movement whatsoever. Have you spoke to your BCN - I have physio sessions to try to manipulate the ‘cording’ out, had my second session today. Apparently ‘cording’ is more common with full clearance and is believed to be blocked lymph vessels which are just under the skin -‘cording’ could be manipulated out eventually, however, speak to your BCN or try asking your GP to refer you to Physio if it is restricting your movement also.
I’ve also had issues with nerve regeneration pain post-op, but this has subsisided somewhat now - skin felt like a cheese-grater had been used heavily and skin was sore to touch.
Hope this helps and I’m sure there’ll be lots of other ladies who can offer advice and share their experience with you also.
Good luck and hope the pain isn’t too bad, but don’t suffer in silence and tell your BCN, GP, chemo nurses as long as you can get some answers to satisfy yourself.
Hi Alisonj, I had full lymph node clearence in January and like Beverlie had cording. A physio should be able to massage it out and she will show you how to help yourself too. I know what you mean it is very painful and restricts your exercises which are very important to get the full movement back. I only have it a little bit now but still see the physio as we are also trying to keep the lymphodema under control. In my experience I found that using the arm helped but just be careful of overuse and picking up things that are too heavy. I have been told not to pick anything up heavier than 2lb. In time you will know when you have overused it. If I do that by the end of the day my wrist starts to swell and I lose some of the flexibility in it and painful if I try and raise above my head. Good warning signs for me. Hope this is useful. Adi x
Hi, Allisonj. One of the problems with any surgery to your lymph nodes is that there are nerves around them and the surgery can injure them so that the nerves themselves send pain signals. Mine has been going on for months, but I think it’s not usually so long as this. I find that stretching and exercising my arm gives at least temporary relief; perhaps real sensations override the ones from the nerves. I think other people have been told to try things like gentle massage or stimulation (brushing with something soft, for example) to create real sensations and promote healing.
You might find that ice packs (not directly on your skin) or a cold wet flannel in a sandwich bag helps to reduce the pain as well.
Personally I think that chemo makes any exisiting pains worse, but I don’t know whether that is physical or psychological. Ask what you can use for pain relief.
Hi Allison
I had full clearance in January, and had cording afterwards. 3 sessions of physio, and gently exercise afterwards, cured it.
But… since starting chemo, and especially since FEC3 an 4, it feels as if every surgery site (mastectomy, node removal, portacath insertion) is tight and pulling. Chemo interferes with healing, so I think we sometimes feel as if we take one step forwards and two steps backwards.
I find that swimming helps a lot.
Hi Allison and everyone
Yes, I also found that chemo really aggravated what I call Twang Arm (the cording effect which means I feel as I have tightly strung guitar strings in my arm following the lymph node surgery). Mine has lasted for quite a long time as treatment has been finished for a while, but I think i am unlucky. I swim obsessively and it does help, and Twang Arm is definitely not as much of a pain as it used to be.
Good luck and don’t worry, just keep doing the exercises and whatever you can to banish your Twang Arm.
Thanks for all the speedy replies made me feel a lot better.The cheese grater pain was spot on so I know I’m not a pain freak. The arm with the PICC has come out in sympathy, I will definitely ring the BCN and see what she says.
HI Alisonj, just to support everything the other lasses have said - I had the same - get some physio if you can and do the exercises daily and it really does get better, sorry its painful. best of luck Nicola
hi Allisonj
The pain under the arm is horrific in the begining. I would look down expecting my arm to have ripped open and walked round with my arm looped over my head to avoid the ball of socks feeling.
I’m five years down the road now and everything is much better. However I still get some tightening which can cause discomfort so I still do my excersises. I even manage to incorperate them into the kids warm up in P.E. Friends also know when I’m feeling low because my hand loops over my head.
I recently visited the Haven and was given St Johns Wort oil and lemon and marigold oil to massage. They help to heal nerves and help with cording.
When I complained to surgeon about my breast pain ( it was like a knitting needle stabbing me) he told me to massage the breast to sort out the nerves and stop them sending faulty signals. It made me laugh as I could just imagine standing in class massaging boob!!!
I hope knowing your not alone makes it easier.
Regards Chinook
Just to add to this, I had lymph nodes removed (not all of them, but quite a lot of them) I’ve had lymph node biopsies 4 times now. I’ve had malignant melanoma and now I recently have had breast cancer.
The surgery left me with a sore area for a couple of years, but it was mildly sore after the first say 4 months. Now I have a permanent area of numbness but apart from that it is fine.
My heart goes out to you, just bear with it and do the exersizes, it will get better,
charlie b
14 months ago I had a mastectomey plus lymph node clearence, it was sore for a while but did seem to settle down but now I seem to be having a lot of pain under arm I wonder if anyone has the same problem. I also suffer with bad memory since starting Arimidex.I am seeing my surgeon on August 1st.