Can anyone advise please, I am on day five of 1st FEC and my lower arm and hand are painful ? When I had my chemo they had to play hunt the vein and ended up putting the canualar in my hand, that vein is now quite prominent and feels sore and I have a tight feeling creeping up my arm. I was worried that the nurse said that the ‘Red’ drug needed to be injected within ten minutes to avoid damaging the veins and she said it was really slow, has anyone had any experience of this?
Thanks Linda xx
Hi Wax
I had huge bruising and tenderness for well over 3 weeks … I know when the nurse administered the chemo it kept hitting against a valve in my vein. I eventually asked her to resite (being a nurse …) the second site had no problems.
My hand and wrist joint felt as though I had been hit especially at the wrist joint…it did pass but was painful
Extravasation (leakage of chemo under skin) symptoms are; tenderness, warmth, or redness along the vein or at the injection site.if you have redness or discomfort at the site after leaving the unit apply ice to the injection site and notify your healthcare professional of potential irritant or vesicant leakage.
Its worth mentioning to allay yur fears
Im sure it is fine…xxx Donna
I’ve had 4 FEC in left arm, I have found alternating the veins and ensuring they do a long flush at the end has helped, I have used my daughters teddy microwaveable wheat bag that helps a little, keep moving and stretching arm also seems to relieve it, somebody said breaststroke movement was good, I don’t want a pic fitted because when I feel better i like to go to work and try to be as normal as possible but that would just keep reminding me, you need to do what is best for you though, take care lindsey ?