pain in left shoulder and arm and neck

Hi all
Was diagnosed April 2009 small 8 mm lump had lumpectomy, 4 weeks radiotherapy no nodes involved. For the past few monypthsvive had pain it started in my elbow so had that x ray all clear, now still have elbow pain but Aldo shoulder and neck pain so gp sent me for an x ratpy on Thursday to look for malidpgnancy I’m so scared xx

Dear Frances22

I’m sorry you are feeling so scared.  Waiting for tests and results is a horrible time.

You might find it helpful to talk over how you’re feeling with one of our Helpline staff.  They’ll be open again tomorrow at 9.00am (9-5 on weekdays and 10-2 on Saturdays).  The number is 0808 800 6000

Take care

Very best wishes


BCC Moderator

Hi Frances, Just happened to be browsing and your post caught my eye. I was diagnosed in October 2012 followed by 2 ops, 6 months Chemo, 3 weeks Rads and now on Anastrozole for another 4 years. I had 2 lumpectomies and node clearance on the left side. I have also been having problems with the same side with my neck at the top towards the left side, my left shoulder is getting more painful and sore and since about Dec/Jan my left elbow had been very painful, almost to the point where it felt like i had broken it!

I told the Breast Team in Jan at my year anniversary of diagnosis appointment and was very disappointed that the surgeon suggested i take up some form of exercise like Pilates or go to the gym! Gobsmacked was an understatement, sometimes i can barely manage to hobble down stairs! Since then i have seen the triage nurse at the GP who was as amazed as i was when i told her what they said to me! But to make it worse, twice this year when my elbow has been at its most painful, the most enormous bruise had appeared as big as a plate around my elbow! So i had a blood test which was normal, now i feel i should go back and see about an x-ray or scan. I had my neck ultrasound done which they were okay with but have been referred back to the Breast Team for further tests. As I havent heard for ages thats yet another phone call to make! I havent mentione my shoulder to them, so maybe its time for a proper visit to my GP and see whether he can get something done Asap!! Its all a big worry isn’t it? All I keep thinking about is these aches and pains are all in my boney bits and they will tell me something awful. Good luck with your x-ray and let us know how you get on and i will definitely ring for a GP appointment tomorrow. I must go and write down what i want to say or i will forget! Take care and stay well.

Cheers, Michele x

Hi Michelle srptill no news will let you know x

Just been to my GP as I have had pain in my left shoulder for several weeks. I was diagnosed in April last year (2013) had wide local excision, 3 lymph nodes taken from left hand side which were clear, 4 weeks rads & now 1 year into 5 years of Tomoxifen with very few mild side effects. I have read on here that other ladies suffer from joint pain & stiffness so maybe just a side affect from Tomoxifen or after effects from surgery. Going for blood tests tomorrow so will let you know the results. Hope you get a clear result and they can give you both something to ease your symptoms. Xx