Pain in my naughty boob????

Just wondering if anyone has experienced any pain in there naughty boob(boob with lump), after an examination???

I had a lump and pains in my boob when I was diagnosed, and now after surgery,chemo and rads (which finished in November last year) the pain is back. I have had twinges but nothing this bad, the only thing I can think might of caused it is an examination by my surgeon on Friday.


Darcyb x

Hello Darcy

I still have pain in my affected breast more than 4 years on and have been assured that this can be normal. I should add that I have lymphoedema in that breast which also causes pain.

In your case I would think the examination could well have caused it. I assume your surgeon said that everything was OK ? Did you also have a mammogram and/or ultrasound the same day?

If I were you I would wait to see if the pain goes away in a few days and then if it is still worrying you call your BCN.

Best wishes
Anthi x

I am 2 yrs post mx and still get pain, intense itching or tightness on that side. Apparantly nerves get affected after an op and they can cause this sort of pain from time to time as they try to re-connect and the signals from them get confused.

Best to get it checked out if that comes back ok, then it could just be nerve pain. When you know what it is, it is no less painful but easier to live with.

If it’s any consolation I was diagnosed in October 2006 and I still get aches and pains. You can also still see the area where I had all the rads done.

Thanks everyone…

Pain has eased off, my surgeon must have been rougher than I thought!!! If the pain comes back that bad I will call the BCN.

Darcyb x